Is There an Insurrection in America?
June 26, 2020

The continuing protests raise an interesting question. Is there an insurrection going on in America?  

First, the definition of insurrection: “whoever incites, sets of foot, assists or engages in any rebellion against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, should be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both and should be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

So, is a violent protest for any reason a crime of insurrection? Note the word violent. 

Some history: in 1791, the Whiskey Rebellion broke out. It was a tax protest during the presidency of George Washington. The so-called whiskey tax was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed government. People in Western Pennsylvania revolted—attacking federal tax collectors. Well, President Washington sent the Army to put down the insurrection, which it did. 

In April 1861, Confederates attacked Fort Sumter outside of Charleston, South Carolina. That of course, led to the Civil War insurrection. 

In 1968, the Chicago riots were sparked in part by the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. More than 100 major US cities experienced riots, resulting in roughly $50 million in damage and hundreds were killed. Now, that insurrection burnt out—pardon the pun—but it was more violent than what we are seeing today.  

In 2020, the George Floyd protests: 15,000+ people arrested so far, 2,000 businesses destroyed in more than 100 cities, damage estimated to be $1 billion. 

Protestors now toppling statues, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, US Grant—this is a radical left movement. But so far, the federal government has not called it an insurrection, which it is. And the government, although arresting a few people have not charged those folks with insurrection, which the government could. 

Here is what should happen, the FBI should be investigating any protestor who crosses state lines with any weapon—that is a felony. Also, the Black Lives Matter organization, Antifa and other radical left movements should be infiltrated by undercover people to see if they are promoting insurrection and violating the Rico Statute.  

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:53 AM
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