Open for ALL to Watch - No Spin News Special: How President Trump Can Handle Opposing Forces and the Far-Left Media
December 14, 2017

The main focus of Thursday’s No Spin News was to talk about the change in the way the media and the left are going after President Trump. The change has not been defined, but it is affecting all of America. The media thought it had Mr. Trump on the Russian collusion investigation. They really believed that was going to develop into a huge scandal that would lead to the impeachment of the president. That's not going to happen now because of the scandals that are going on inside the FBI investigation and the special counsel's office. 

Now, to its credit, the FBI did find out that Peter Strzok was sending anti-Trump messages to his mistress who also worked in the FBI. At least the FBI themselves were policing their own agents. But the fact of the matter is it's shocking and any fair minded American, even if you hate Donald Trump, knows that the Russia collusion investigation is over. 

Once the left realized that the investigation was over, and Bill predicted this, the left pivoted to focusing on women. As you know, all across the United States every day in every way women are coming forward saying somebody treated them badly. They're now calling it sexual misconduct. For every allegation you hear about, there's a thousand you don't hear on the local level, everywhere, corporations, politics, all across the board. So this is an epidemic and it's an industry. The lawyers are advertising on television and radio. They’re basically saying, if you have a beef, call me up and I'll get you some money. 

We’re not diminishing any of the horror that some women have experienced. But this movement has been weaponized and now the weapons are going to be turned on Donald Trump. On his resume, he had a bunch of women that came forward before the election accusing Trump of misconduct, the New York Times put them forth. Voters said, you know what, we don't think it's that important or we're going to still vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. So then, it went away. 

But now these women are coming back and it's going to be a big deal. You can expect in the coming weeks that new women are going to come forward. Then every time there's something new, the anti-Trump press is going to blow it up into a big deal. It's just going to be exhausting. 

What President Trump has to expect is that this is the next campaign. He has got to himself, as Monica Crowley said yesterday, a forward looking strategy. He needs to hire good people to protect him. 

Now, the reason that the far-left and the media hate Donald Trump is because he stands opposed to the progressive agenda of Barack Obama. Obama was in office for eight years and the progressive left made tremendous social strides. You see it on college campuses, absolute chaos. Safe Spaces. All of that nonsense. Republicans not allowed, conservatives can't speak, all of this came out of the Obama years. Now, the president himself, President Obama, didn't do it, but he put into place the mechanisms whereby the progressives were heard and anybody who wasn't progressive was diminished and attacked. Obama also doubled the national debt, he ran up more debt than all the other presidents combined. He allowed ISIS to run wild. The border was a sieve. Sanctuary cities proliferated. On and on and on and on. Yet, if the left could get Barack Obama back in office, they'd get him in a heartbeat. 

So, Trump is the devil because he opposes what Barack Obama promoted. That's essentially it. And they don't like him personally. 

Trump is now going to be front and center in this whole harassment campaign. That's where he's going to be. And it started yesterday in an article in the USA Today. The article said, "with his latest tweet on Senator Gillibrand clearly implying that a U.S. senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who could always find room for a new low... Donald Trump the man is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed." 

So that's a call for impeachment right there. This is the beginning of what's going to happen. And in the meantime, the American people are looking at the economy doing much better, and that's going to raise salaries for all working Americans who are doing a good job who are in demand, because you can go to another company because the economy is expanding. The tax reform we'll see, but it does give money back to millions of Americans. ISIS, they're out of there. They don't hold any territory anymore. On the border, record low crossings into the USA. Because if you are an illegal alien now and you get caught, life is hard. It's not like it was under President Obama. Since all of these positive things are happening under President Trump the media is coordinating with the anti-Trump forces to bring him down. 

Now, if Trump takes Bill’s advice and the Trump Administration forms a SWAT team to swat away dishonest accusations, he might be able to temper it. He may be able to do that because there's Fox News and Talk Radio and a few other outlets on the Internet, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and a few others that will promote his side to some extent.

It is possible, not probable that the American people will rise up somehow and say enough. We know bad things happen to women, we want justice, but we're not going to do witch hunting every single day of the calendar year. I mean, I think many people are there already. But in the campaigns, 2018, the midterm elections, you are going to see this stuff all over the place. They're doing opp research right now. Because remember, every headline is a conviction. 

However, it's still America, still the greatest country in the world. Christmas the greatest time of year. People love you so concentrate on that. But Bill is sounding a warning. Be careful, President Trump.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Open for ALL to Watch - No Spin News Special: How President Trump Can Handle Opposing Forces and the Far-Left Media
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