Do the American People want a Far-Left President?
June 18, 2019

Tonight on the No Spin News, Bill O’Reilly breaks down exactly what President Trump should focus on as he starts his 2020 reelection campaign.

One big issue that Trump must define: the Democratic Party allowing the extremists like the open border crew to run the show, while the Democratic candidates for president fall in line with far-left stances.

Just yesterday, Kamala Harris called to allow anyone in to the country. This far-left radical crew is irresponsible - 10 years ago, they never could have gotten away with this in the media.

Trump should to the American people outright, “even if you don’t like me, do you really want these people?”

The answer is going to be “no.”

Watch the full show for Bill’s ‘Four Pillars of Trump’s Reelection Campaign.’


Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:00 AM
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Do the American People want a Far-Left President?
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