O'Reilly on Russia, Obama, & an Interview with Glenn Beck
June 26, 2017

On a day when most news outlets were focused on the Supreme Court's decision to temporarily uphold President Trump's travel ban, Bill went a different route and began with President Obama and Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 election. 

"This is a big story," he declared, "that no one is covering to the extent it should be covered.  The liberal networks aren't covering it because they adore President Obama and this makes him look bad.  Back in August, the CIA apparently told President Obama that Russia was trying to get into the system.  In October, administration officials grew certain that Russia was behind the WikiLeaks dump of Democratic Party emails.  President Obama said nothing, even though Hillary Clinton was getting pounded and the Democratic National Committee was in disarray." 

Bill continued with the very latest on that story:  "An organization filed a Freedom of Information Act request and has just released letters sent to President Obama by intelligence officials.  Think about this - President Obama was aggressively campaigning for Hillary Clinton, and he might have helped her if he had put this information out.  But he didn't and nobody knows why.  There is something going on here." 

Moving to the Supreme Court, Bill reported that the justices have upheld, at least temporarily, President Trump's ban on travel from six predominantly Muslim nations.  "We have predicted this from the very first day," he said, "because the president has the power to keep people out of the country.  The lower courts were political and called it 'anti-Muslim.'"  Bill ridiculed the Hawaii judge who claimed the ban would harm tourism, joking that very few Yemenis and Somalis jet to Honolulu for their vacations.  "The Supreme Court did the right thing," he concluded. 

Meanwhile, the Senate health care proposal is teetering on the edge of passage.  "This comes down to three senators," Bill theorized, "and whether Mitch McConnell can twist their arms and have them vote for the bill.  But if they pass it and your premiums continue to go up, Democrats will win next time around."  Bill added that he would probably vote for the bill if he were the very distinguished Senator from New York. 

Bill then introduced a portion of his interview with Glenn Beck, who phoned in from Los Angeles.  Beck tried to describe his ideal health care bill.  "If we need to take care of people at the bottom," he said, "then we look at Medicare and Medicaid.  We get them the health care they need, and then the job of the government is to get out of the way and make business as prosperous as it can be." 

Beck also raised the specter of one very strange, but illustrative, example of Trump Derangement Syndrome:  "There were 2,000 witches on Facebook casting spells last week against Donald Trump.  That's a ridiculous example, but some of those people were very serious and you're messing with dark stuff.  I happen to believe in good and evil, and it's disturbing to me that so many on the left will laugh this off without recognizing that a good number of people take this very seriously, while many on the right find it dark and dangerous.  We don't speak the same language!"  (NOTE:  The entire interview with Beck is available here on BillOReilly.com.) 

Bill then shifted west to Seattle, where a study shows that the city's $15/hour minimum wage has cost jobs.  "I like a stronger minimum wage," he said, "but this study indicates that fewer people are working and the fast food places have cut their hours.  So the net is that people at the bottom of the earning chain are earning less.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to help the poor, but you have to help them!  If you double the minimum wage, you have to lay people off.  This is an important lesson." 

Premium Members also weighed in with their opinions and questions.  A Californian woman groused that the Republican health care bill is a giant wealth transfer to the rich.  "They're not really paying billions of dollars to insurance companies," Bill replied, "they are allowing the companies to operate in the capitalistic system.  But there has to be some oversight to prevent price gouging." 

Another PM urged Democrats to call out the very vocal haters in their party, and Bill concurred, saying, "People like Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi are running wild, but moderate Democrats are not stepping up."  Similarly, a viewer lamented the fact that Americans are being inundated with hateful anti-Trump vitriol.  "People vote their self-interest and pocketbooks," Bill said reassuringly.  "If the economy is not doing well, as under President Obama, they'll vote for change."

Before signing off, Bill invited Premium Members to write in with their suggestions for the daily No Spin News podcast.  

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Russia, Obama, & an Interview with Glenn Beck
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