Bill O'Reilly and Adam Carolla on Millennials, College Craziness
August 3, 2017

The story of the day, Bill said, comes from an article in Psychology Today that says an increasing number of young Americans feel a great sense of entitlement.  Here is an excerpt from the article:  "Large amounts of young people are developing an entitlement complex.  The psychological trend comes from the belief that you are superior to others and more deserving of certain things." 

Bill spoke at length about that issue with author and radio host Adam Carolla, who actually testified last week at a House hearing investigating politically correct madness on American campuses.  "I think our big problem," Carolla began, "is that we decided that children are the future, which they are.  But we adults are the present, and the administration and faculty of these colleges have to start acting like adults.  Bad things happen any time you don't set limits on people who aren't capable of setting limits on themselves.  Students are spinning out of control and adults are not taking control." 

Bill theorized that left-wing campus bullies are infused with both hatred and fear:  "They fear that they might have to be held accountable or they may have to work hard.  The fear turns into hatred and the hatred turns into destruction, which is the cycle of events we are witnessing.  These people are peddling a view of the world that is so destructive, yet they are proud of it."

Carolla also raised the importance of shame and inferiority:  "Most young boys would love to be the captain and the star of their football team.  When they can't do it they decide that the jocks are bad people and need to be brought down.  But if they had a magic wand they would rather be captain of the football team."  Before signing off, Carolla reminded everyone that his very popular podcasts are available on

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 3:00 AM
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Bill O'Reilly and Adam Carolla on Millennials, College Craziness
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