Bill O'Reilly and Adam Michel on Whether Trump's Tax Plan Will Pass
October 26, 2017

For more on tax reform and its prospects in Congress, Bill welcomed Adam Michel of the conservative Heritage Foundation.  "The draft of this is supposed to come out sometime next week," Michel began, "but right now we only have some broad outlines.  Anyone who tells you this person's tax burden will go up or down is speculating."  Michel predicted that tax reform will face hurdles in the Senate, but will ultimately pass, perhaps even with some Democratic votes.  "Once people see that tax reform will pass," he said, "you will start seeing some Democratic defections because Democrats can't vote against tax cuts for their people.  This will make America competitive again and will bring tax cuts to individuals.  This is all about being a benefit to Americans."

Despite its potential benefits, Democratic leaders are almost uniformly opposed to tax reform.  Michel reported that those leaders have performed an astounding ideological pirouette:  "Just a few years ago, leading Democrats like President Obama and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were saying that business taxes are too high, that we need business tax reform to make America competitive again.  Now they have completely reversed that narrative, so it's a political game.  The Democrats are calling this a 'tax cut for the rich,' but that's not the case.  When corporate taxes go down, wages go up and this will benefit average American workers." 

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Bill O'Reilly and Adam Michel on Whether Trump's Tax Plan Will Pass
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