Obama Gives Trump a Huge Gift, CBS Shakeup, Trump Hints at Declassifying Documents
September 10, 2018

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for Monday September 10th 2018. Take your country back.

You know, I don't know about you but I'm tired of hearing about New York Times op-ed, I'm tired of hearing about Bob Woodward's book. His book doesn't even come out until tomorrow. I'm tired, tired, tired. It's meaningless. It means zero to your life, to my life, to the lives of any Americans. But we have to endure it because this is what the media dictates is the primary story but it's not. It's not the primary story.

Now, let's see if I can put this in terms that are apolitical, I don't want this to be a political analysis tonight. The Trump administration needs to message in order to keep the House of Representatives Republican in November. I believe they'll keep the Senate but they need to message. That's a fact. Whether President Trump acknowledges it or not, I don't know. The fact is if they want to win and continue on the Trump agenda for two more years before the 2020 election you need the message and you need to start today, the message can't be New York Times, can't be Bob Woodward. No one cares. So Barack Obama gives President Trump a HUGE gift, an enormous gift by going out on the road and I wouldn't say bashing but criticizing Mr. Trump. If you read my Message of the Day, again factually driven, no politics to it. That's very unusual for a sitting president to do. And I explain why in the message, you can read it but it's a gift to Donald Trump. First, here's a sample of what President Obama said. Go.

"It did not start with Donald Trump. He is a symptom, not the cause.".

"Appealing to tribe, appealing to fear, pitting one group against another, telling people that order and security will be restored if it weren't for those who don't look like us or don't sound like us or don't pray like we do. That's an old playbook. It's as old as time. And in a healthy democracy it doesn't work.".

"I complained plenty about Fox News but you never heard me threaten to shut them down or call them enemies of the people."

That's true, I interviewed Barack Obama three times. He was critical of Fox News but he didn't take it out on me and he treated me with respect and vice versa. But the key here is Mr. Obama saying quote, "appealing to tribe, appealing to fear, pitting one group against another. Telling people that order and security will be restored if it weren't for those who don't look like us or sound like us or don't pray like we do." I never heard Donald Trump do that. Have you? The people I hear do that are the far left, identity politics. You're a racist if you criticize Collin Kaepernick for example, what is that Mr. Obama? What is that? That's pitting one group against another. You hold an opinion that Collin Kaepernick's disrespect for the national anthem and the flag is wrong, you're a racist. That's serious business. That PC garbage swept the country, is destroying college campuses destroying them, I have never heard Donald Trump say, 'hey those black people are a threat to this country, those Hispanic people...' Yes, he criticizes crime elements across the board. Primarily Hispanic, yes. He criticizes Muslim terrorists, who are the terrorists in the world who are causing all of the trouble? Muslims but he doesn't single out a tribe to hype up white people. I never heard it privately or publicly.

Now, President Obama's job, his job at this point in history is to mobilize minority voters to go out in the midterm election, as many as possible and vote for the Democrats. That's his job. That's why he's doing this, the tribe, they don't, Trump doesn't like you, he's blaming you for America not being great. I mean you, you black people, you Hispanic people, you muslim people, he's blaming you, I've never heard it.

Now, the message that's being delivered by Barack Obama has to be countered. It's not like the New York Times op-ed or Woodward, means nothing. This means some thing and the counter should be this, look I took office, I, Donald Trump things were a mess. Now you can believe that or not, the people who like Barack Obama are not going to believe it but there are millions of Americans who themselves, who are suffering under the Obama economy for eight years, they didn't prosper. I mean just today there's a report that blue collar jobs are the fastest rising in the United States, blue collar jobs. So, the Trump administration said look, look this is all bull, so Barack Obama was in office for eight years, the Obama economy didn't help black people or Hispanic people. The quasi catch and release open border created more chaos and we had to come in and clean it up and we're doing a good job, according to the Trump administration this is their message, not my message. This is what they should be doing but they're not doing it, they're not doing it. Instead, Donald Trump themselves is tweeting all over the place about Bob Woodward. You're selling his book Mr. President, you're selling it. What do you care what he writes?

There was an interesting article, let me see by Christian Whiton in something called the NationalInterest.org. I didn't, I'm not familiar with it, the NationalInterest.org. It is a bimonthly International Affairs magazine published by the Center for the National Interest. OK so this guy Whiton and I don't know him, he basically says out in Colorado and Utah and states in the middle of the nation, nobody listens to The New York Times. Nobody is going to read Bob Woodward's book. Now I don't think that's true. I think Woodward will sell some copies in Denver and Salt Lake City. But the point that he's making is that doesn't influence their lives. This kind of stuff, the small ball stuff. What does is the economy. So, if Barack Obama hands you a gift by criticizing you, which remember if you read the message today former presidents don't usually criticize sitting presidents and there is a reason. If he hands you that gift, you turn it around that way. It's not about tribe, not about demonization of a race of people, it's about money. It's about jobs, it's about security, it's about law and order and you didn't do it, President Obama, you didn't do it. You had eight years to do it and he didn't do it. Who wiped out ISIS? Not Barack Obama, not Barack Obama, when did the sanctuary cities flourish? Under Barack Obama. You could just go down the list, that's called discipline messaging and it is not being done by the White House. Instead the tweets come out, tweets on nothing. Now, I was talking to a Trump supporter last night, a guy who loves him. Oh, I love the tweets, he says to me, I love them, they're so entertaining. OK not going to argue with that, Donald Trump's an entertaining guy but what good do they do him? You, the Trump supporter, you like them, but you're going to vote for Trump no matter what. What about the millions of people are going you know, I don't really like these Democrats, they're pretty crazy but you knowm, him... More discipline will get it done.

The other thing about Barack Obama is that when he goes to the press that he didn't like the press. But unlike Donald Trump, Barack Obama had two people in the White House that stopped him from going overboard against the press. Valerie Jarrett of Roseanne fame and his wife Michelle, those two ladies constrained Barack Obama. So, when he was ready to launch they'd rein him back in. And he listened to both of them, Donald Trump didn't have that, not listengin to anybody on a regular basis.

So, Sharyl Attkisson, you've heard that name before, she wrote a book and a very fine investigative reporter. And she says that while working at CBS News and she left that operation because she didn't feel that CBS News was giving her a fair amount of airtime and they didn't want to run stories that made Barack Obama look bad, that's why she left. She sued the Justice Department for allegedly hacking into her CBS News computer. You may remember all of this, she wrote a book, been on the podcast whatever. Well the lawsuit was dismissed a few weeks back, a federal lawsuit and now she's appealing to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, so far, she spent more than a hundred thousand dollars and if you get involved with lawsuits, that's what you're going to do. It's going to be spend, spend, spend, the lawyers are going to charge you every hour and they're going to charge you a lot. So, she spent over a hundred thousand, she got some lawyers working for her pro bono. But she's up against it now, she is in appeals court. Not easy to have the legal system go against the political system. Sharyl, I know this to be true, firmly believes that she was surveilled by the Obama administration illegally. So, does James Rosen, former Fox reporter, he believes it. And that, they found that the Obama administration was tracking Rosen. Those are very specific things that happened during Barack Obama's administration. Did you hear Donald Trump mention that? OK. Specific messaging.

Now the one thing that could turn the whole national discussion around before the midterms is if Donald Trump declassifies the memos and the documents relating to the surveillance on his campaign, ie. Carter Page, Bruce Ohr in the Justice Department, he has the power declassify. I get mail every day from you guys, why isn't he doing it? How can I answer that? I don't know why. Now he's hinting, the president is hinting he's going to declassify some documents. If it's shown that the Obama administration misused the FBI and the Justice Department lied to the FISA judges to get surveillance on the Trump campaign, it's felony and changes the whole discussion. Muller's Russian collusion thing collapses entirely, the Justice Department has to turn, Attorney General Sessions comes back on the floor and they have to investigate felonies in the securing of FISA warrants. Now, again why hasn't Donald Trump done it? I don't know. Could have done it a while back. Now he says he will, if he doesn't then you know something's wrong. If he does all hell will break loose. All hell broke loose and that will be an interesting deal because the media, the national media, is not going to want to cover that story, they're not. So, if the documents are declassified CNN, ABC, NBC, I don't know what they're going to do. Now Fox will go crazy with it, run with it. But what are MSNBC and CNN going to do. Depends what they say but that's coming, I think it's going to be, they'll put it out.

The most powerful man in television Les Moonves is now outed at CBS he's a chief executive or was, the usual, with him misconduct bunch of women say he did terrible things to them. Moonves says he didn't and CBS booted him. Big investigation about him. I can't comment on the he said she said other than to say the women say he did terrible stuff. He says he didn't. But an accusation like this now gets you removed from whatever job you hold no matter how powerful you are. You're done. That's the way it is in the United States, no more due process. And you can understand from the corporate side, you know it's pretty intense. If Moonves wants justice, if he didn't do the things that he's accused of, he has to go to court, he has to sue the women for defamation, has to get them in has to depose them, discovery has to do all that. It will cost him 5 million at least to do it. Now he's got the money, that's the only way he's going to clear his name. And even then, you get some judge who is a #MeToo person you don't know but a jury trial that's where you would go for, would cost you five million, to restore your reputation and even if he won Moonves and would take four years Prescott to care that he's out. So, most powerful man on TV. NBC is next, NBC, from what I understand, there is a big thing on them coming. We hear rumors about CNN, it's never going to stop. I was talking to a very famous performer yesterday and the guy says to me you know, everybody's scared. I said everybody should be scared. If you're a man, you're famous, you have money, you're powerful, you should be scared. Any acquisition is gonna throw you off. Now some people like Seacrest, Ryan Seacrest, they've gotten past it at least temporarily, Franco the actor, James Franco but there are legions of them, there is hundreds now, maybe thousands, it is not going to stop, particularly if you're in a position where you've alienated people, you are a political commentator like me, they're coming for you. Hannity said it many, many times on his radio and TV shows, he knows, they're desperately trying to dig up something on them and once they get it out and the press doesn't care whether it's true or not, they're not going to check it out, they're just going to print the accusation, headine, headine, headline, not going to spent any resources on it. It's like Trump, you get an accusation against Trump, bang. Do they check it? No. We aren't going to check it, we don't care, we don't like Trump. Accusation, too bad. It didn't used to be that way, they're used to be some kind of due process and fairness in this country, it is gone. Now, I don't know Les Moonves very well, been in his company four or five times, I have again, no idea, no idea but I heard a CBS commentator today on the radio say that she was just fed up with all this and the culture has to change and women are you know in a bad place still and things have to improve in America for women. OK. I don't have a beef with that, but you got to prove it, you can't just accuse and if something is bad then it should be carried out and people should lose their jobs or be fined or or whatever it may be but you can't just assume everything is true. And that's what's happening now. All right.

In Stanford University, a very fine school, the law school, guy named James Philips did a study using Stanford law as his base. It says that conservative and libertarian law professors are underrepresented at top tier law schools in America. That means they can't get hired. Now this is just another extension of destroying conservative, traditional, libertarian speech. That is the goal, no accident. So you can be the most brilliant law professor in the country but if you don't take the liberal line, Yale doesn't want you, Harvard doesn't want you, nope don't want you.

The NFL protests, you know, a few not many. I said it would die out. It's going to die out. Nike stock is up, the wise guys on Wall Street think Nike is going to sell more sneakers and clothes to younger people because of the hiring Kaepernick but the league, you got a few guys, that did a couple of things, Miami Dolphins guys but the networks aren't really showing the Star-Spangled Banner and this will die out.

Football going down in the ratings and it's partly because of this and partly because the game is not as exciting as it used to be. And I don't want to get too technical because it's not a sports show but as a former quarterback, I used to look forward to quarterbacks throwing the ball 30-40 yards downfield. It doesn't happen much anymore. Ding, ding ding, ding, 5-6 yard passes ding, ding, ding. Because the offensive line can keep the big defensive people out. So if the quarterback holds the ball for more than three and a half seconds, he gets his head ripped off, they've got to get it out. The game's changed and it's not as exciting. I mean when I was trying to watch it yesterday, I just couldn't watch a lot of these games, I'm like this, you know. So that is the combination of social and change of venue and how you play the game is driving those numbers down.

I love this poll, just found this. Teen agers, all right, were asked about digital distractions, 13 to 17 years old. This comes out of Axios, it is a website, 33 percent of teens say they wish their parents would spend less time on their devices. 33 percent. They want a little bit more attention from the parents. That is sad. 72 percent of teens believe tech companies manipulate users to spend more time on devices. Of course they do, phony headlines, phony, phony, phony headlines all over the place. Thirty five percent of teens say they've been cyber bullied compared to 5 percent in 2012. Thirty five percent. Snap Chat and Instagram are the favorites among 13-17 year olds. I don't know what they are Snapchat and Instagram, I've heard of them and I'm probably on them, I don't know. You know I'm happy in my ignorance I really am, I don't want to be part of this high tech, I don't, just don't.

All right some mail.

Ty Knox. Oyster Bay, New York on Long Island.

"Regarding Nike, if I can understand they're marketing plan is supposed to appeal to younger demographic who are sympathetic to Kaepernick. This is a group that would not spend the time understanding the issue. All right for glitzy propaganda. What I don't understand what they expect from our family. As a 50 year old man and wife couple, we have 2 9 year olds, we're not going to buy any Nike products anymore.

"But they hope Ty, that the younger people will make up for you bailing, that's the calculation.

Amy Corcoran. Orland Park, Illinois.

"How is it that no one sees hypocrisy of Kaepernick's deal with Nike. He won't stand for the American flag because it represents oppression. But will stand for the almighty dollar no matter how oppressive Nike is in paying its workers overseas.".

We one of the few that covered that story, Amy. The mainstream media is not going to cover it, they're sympathetic with the Kaepernick, people don't know.


"I absolutely love the interview with Burgess Owens. Thank you. Keep up the great work, one reason why I subscribed to your service.".

We were pleased to have Burgess Owens on the program, we'll have him back. Very smart guy and you know, I'd like to have Kaepernick on the program but he'd never come up against me.


"Mr. Owens reminds as we many examples of success in the black community for the younger ones to look up to, hopefully realize that being born free in this great country where your drive and talent can actually take one up the ladder of any profession.".

Listen that's the way I see it, Chip but I'm not a black man or woman and I understand there's discrimination and I understand that we all should be concerned about it. But I think Burgess Owens articulated it very well. You don't make yourself a victim, that does not help you or society.

Ann Mulan. Cape Gerardo, Missouri.

"Mr. O'Reilly I have a question the news stations are assuming the anonymous op ed source was in fact written by an upper level member of the Trump administration, isn't it just like it is written by a journalist whose motive was humiliate Donald Trump?".

You know, Ann, I don't really care but I would say that the New York Times would probably not do that because it would get out, people would lose their jobs all of that self-protection. Somebody leaked it. You know, we'll find out who it was.

Anthony McChrystal. Massapequa, New York.

"Regards to the Times op-ed, the most compelling piece of information it contains, it the fact that the op-ed writer admits there is a group of unelected people, unelected people who are close to the president that are actively trying to thwart the president, is there any illegality in that?".

No, if you're president you pick your advisers, you pick them wrong, not illegal. Now if they leak national security stuff there you go. Or if they give phony information to a federal judge to get a search warrant, wow, there you go. Big time felony.

Bill McCombs. Buffalo, New York.

"I believe the character annihilation of Judge Kavanaugh by the Dems only reinforces or confirms to the judge that his principles and doctrines are held dear are the correct path. He's been pummeled in the hearing. If there was any question in his mind the Dems and Progressives are a danger to American culture, he is now being provided the affirmative answer.".

Very perceptive email, Bill, Bill McCombs. Very perceptive because I believe same thing. I can't prove it, it's speculation but clearly some of the judges on the court were so brutalized by the process, they got to hold resentment, they have to. They got to say you know what, these far lower progressives are dishonest, they are and they're trying to, one of the judges said he got lynched, a high tech lynching, remember that. I'm not going to pretend I can read minds. But for me, right now I'm the court they're going, mhmm.

JR. Willcox. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

"When Chicago was having another round of gun violence you, Bill challenged LeBron James to do something. Did anything materialize?".

No. No. Why would LeBron James alienate his liberal base by going to Chicago and demanding that the National Guard be imposed to spread order. The Liberals don't want that. LeBron James, from what I can see in his presentation, is now a politician. He's a brilliant basketball player but he's a politician now. I wouldn't be surprised to see him run for office after he's through on the court and he's a liberal politician. So is he going to go try to stop the violence in Chicago? No. It's happening under a very progressive liberal administration.

All right, Killing Patton paperback, comes out September 25th. And if you buy Killing Patton and Killing Jesus in paper together on BillOReilly.com, you get them both for 20 bucks, save a lot of money, it is a great deal, Killing the SS, October 9th. Good book. I'm doing some radio now and I'm going to put the radio clips because we're doing a lot of radio and put them on a website so you can hear the entire thread of conversation. We do that with Beck on Friday but we're going to do that with a lot of the interviews that I do. Now if you preorder Killing the SS on BillOReilly.com. You get Old School Life in the Sane Lane free.

If you become a Concierge Member, which is one step up from a Premium Member where you get to ask me any questions you want and I answer them directly to you. So you get two books free, any two you want including Killing the SS.

Premium memberships surging. Now I like it, I like talking to you guys one on one. You know I can answer some of the mail, Bill@BillOReilly.com or the message boards and I like it's fun, the mail segments. But this is more personal and it's working out great.

Word of the day when writing to BillOReilly.com no codswallop, codswallop, not good.

We'll see you again tomorrow.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Obama Gives Trump a Huge Gift, CBS Shakeup, Trump Hints at Declassifying Documents
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