O'Reilly on NY Times' Russia Reports; Bernie Goldberg's Advice for POTUS
July 10, 2017

Bill began with the New York Times report revealing that Donald Trump Jr., along with other Trump campaign aides, secretly met with a Russian attorney about a year ago.

"The story is interesting," Bill said, "and at this point it's nothing more than that.  The New York Times ran the story now in order to resume the 'collusion' narrative, that's what's in play.  MSNBC and CNN are wall-to-wall with this, while Fox News barely covered it at all."  Donald Trump Jr. has dismissed the significance of the meeting, but this news certainly gives the anti-Trump media more material to run with.

For another view of the story and the general media situation, Bill spoke with Bernie Goldberg.  "You're right that the Trump people should have revealed this three months ago," Goldberg began.  "If you're going to meet with the Russians, get the information out there.  And you're right that if you watch MSNBC and CNN this is the biggest story since Nagasaki.  They don't have any additional information but it goes on and on, it's just relentless.  In a free country we need a mainstream media that people can trust, and we also need a president that the people can trust.  Right now I don't think we have either."

Goldberg offered some no-nonsense advice to both the president of the United States and the mainstream media:  "Donald Trump should acknowledge that the press has an obligation to hold him accountable and he should declare that he is ending the war on the media right now.  But the media also has an obligation to acknowledge that they have an agenda.  Because they think Donald Trump is unfit to be president, they think it's okay to insert their biases into their stories.  The media needs to say, we are also calling off this war.  But I understand that Donald Trump may not be capable of doing this and the media may not be capable of doing this."  Bill added, "The media is actively trying to destroy the president, not just cover him, and Donald Trump feels he will win by running against the press."

Bernie concluded by again urging the media and the president to behave more responsibly:  "The media have been very disrespectful of the president.  Joe Scarborough says the president speaks like his mother, who has dementia.  That is wrong, you don't do that.  Mika Brzezinski says the president does not love his country.  You don't do that.  But the president should lay off the personal attacks and respond with facts.  He needs to expand his numbers and not just satisfy his base."

After Bernie signed off, Bill analyzed the much-hyped meeting in Germany between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.  "We know President Trump addressed Russian meddling in the election," he said, "and he's also trying to get Putin to cooperate with him on ISIS and Syria and North Korea.  So rather than pound Putin into pudding, as the Democrats want, he is trying to win him over.  But the risk he runs by giving Putin respect is that Trump will look weak if Putin hoses us again.  Was Trump firm enough with Putin?  Probably not, but at this point a threat doesn't really help us."

Bill then examined another issue involving Capitol Hill intrigue:  "The Hill is reporting that former FBI boss James Comey included classified information in the memos he wrote after his meetings with President Trump.  So Trump is now saying that Comey could be in criminal trouble, and this is fascinating."

On a completely different subject, Bill also put forth some thoughts on the "snowflake" mentality that is far too prevalent among young Americans, punctuating his insight with a personal story:  "A few years ago I was managing a little league team on one of the hottest days of the summer.  We were down by three or four runs and my team almost had a mutiny, saying they didn't want to play anymore because they were too hot.  I stood up and told them they were going to go back out on that field, and they did!  If I hadn't done that we would have forfeited the game."

In the email segment, one Premium Member asked Bill to explain more about the black-clad protesters who created havoc at the G20 summit in Germany.  "There are anarchists who will destroy property and hurt other human beings," he grumbled, "just because they can.  But is there a point to these demonstrations?  No, they just don't like the organized structures we have in this world."

Another PM inquired about the possible involvement of George Soros.  "The anarchist leadership is paid," Bill declared.  "I can't say George Soros is directly involved, but he does pay some of the most evil people on this planet.  He is an awful, awful person whose money goes to pay for lies about people."

Before wrapping up, Bill proudly announced that he and Dennis Miller will be giving away some high-tech track chairs to wounded vets during their September shows in Baltimore and Tampa. 

And, finally, he had some very good news for those dog-lovers who are just mad about his pooch Holli.  There are now photos of the comely Corgi on Bill's Twitter feed.  Enjoy the pup pics and check back in Tuesday for another edition of the No Spin News, which will include a sure-to-be-informative conversation with Glenn Beck.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on NY Times' Russia Reports; Bernie Goldberg's Advice for POTUS
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