O'Reilly on Trump's Pardon of Joe Arpaio
August 28, 2017

Now, the big story coinciding with Hurricane Harvey is the pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona.

President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio for political reasons because the sheriff was a big, big defender of Donald Trump and got on the Trump train very early. 

Now Arpaio is 85 years old, has been in law enforcement forever. He was in the army, then he was in the DEA after local law enforcement. He was abroad. I mean, the guy has served his country. Whether you like him or not, he served his country. That goes a long way in deciding presidential pardons. You know, what your history is, how much you've given to your country.

So, what did Arpaio do to get convicted? Well a judge, a federal judge, said to him, "Look, you can't have your deputies in Maricopa County (that's Phoenix) stopping Hispanic looking people and asking for papers," which is the accusation against Arpaio, who denies it. But I think there's a bunch of evidence that there were a bunch of traffic stops on Hispanic looking people and some people were detained when no crime was alleged. They were detained because their immigration status was unclear.You can't do that.  

So the judge said to sheriff Arpaio, "you've got to knock that off." And Arpaio says he was confused by the order of the judge and the order from the feds from the Obama administration, he was confused and his deputies were confused. 

He probably wouldn't have gotten jail time. Not with his record.   

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Trump's Pardon of Joe Arpaio
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