Jack Nicholson Returns
May 2, 2023

And there he was, among the living, watching the Los Angeles Lakers as he did in the past with his fellow stars. But let’s get real; there are no stars as bright as Jack Nicholson.   

He’s an icon.

A few months ago, rumors began citing so-called close friends that Jack had decided to die alone, a recluse.

These “friends” were worried; there was talk of dementia.

Bill, who had visited with Nicholson months prior, disputed these reports addressing them on the No Spin News, voicing his support for the “Chinatown” star.

Then, just last week, pictures surfaced of the movie star disheveled on a balcony in the early morning, pushing the same narrative, ignoring that it was early in the morning and Nicholson was most likely getting up from a night’s sleep, getting some air.

At 86 and with nothing left to prove, some outlets and some shady people behind the scenes seem to have a problem that Nicholson would enjoy his privacy and luxury away from the lights of Tinseltown.

In 2016, a small revelation from comedian and producer Louis C.K. caught my attention.

While appearing on Marc Maron’s podcast, C.K. told the host he had reached out to Nicholson to star in his project at the time.  

Jack declined, and after C.K. pressed him a little, he responded with this gem.

“You know what I did today? I went out to the tree in my yard, and I sat under it, and I read a book. And when I was done, I went back inside,” C.K. said Nicholson told him.

I don’t know if recent reports and photos inspired Nicholson to appear at this weekend’s playoff game. But it was nice to see him, vibrant and hugging players.

This whole situation is just another reminder of the manipulative nature of the media.  

I hope Mr. Nicholson resurfaced because he wanted to and not just to prove the tabloids wrong.

Victor Garcia works for BillOReilly.com.  He has written for Fox News and Fox News Latino. He served as a producer for "The O'Reilly Factor" and "The Radio Factor w/ Bill O'Reilly."
Posted by Victor Garcia at 4:00 AM
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Jack Nicholson Returns
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