O'Reilly on London Terror & the Return of Bernie Goldberg
June 5, 2017


Monday's No Spin News kicked off with Bill's take on the latest terror attack in London that left seven dead and dozens wounded.  "In Europe there are huge Muslim ghettos," Bill reported, "where there are only Muslims.  Islamists and jihadists have these comfort zones where they don't have to worry about informers - nobody's going to say anything because that would be the kiss of death."  We are much more fortunate here in the USA where hard-working and law-abiding Muslims in cities like Dearborn, Michigan are far more likely to tell authorities about a radical in their midst. 

Bill criticized President Trump for misinterpreting a message issued by London Mayor Sadiq Khan.  But far more substantive is the fact that at least one of the wounded officers was totally unarmed except for his not-so-trusty nightstick.  "This is a war on terror," Bill groused, "and you're sending your police officers out to fight killers without a gun?" 

The mainstream media has focused, of course, on President Trump's errant tweet, and a Washington Post writer actually accused the president of "stoking panic and fear."  Meanwhile, on MSNBC, a host named Thomas Roberts actually and seriously suggested that President Trump may be "trying to provoke a domestic attack."  Got that?  The president, according to this guy, is hoping for a terror attack that kills Americans.  Does it get any lower? 

Wrapping up the segment on terrorism, Bill put forth this advice to British authorities:  "They have to arm the cops, they have to penetrate the Muslim ghettos, and they have to stop the open borders." 

Turning to the climate change dustup, some far-left politicians, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo among them, have declared that they will continue to follow the Paris accord in their localities.  "If Andrew Cuomo wants to have strict standards," Bill said, "I'm all for that unless it hurts New York's economy, which it does upstate because he doesn't want fracking.  If I'm living in upstate New York, I'm either moving out or voting Cuomo out." 

Bill then introduced a portion of his in-depth conversation with media watchdog Bernie Goldberg, aka 'the purveyor of BernardGoldberg.com.'  "I have not been a fan of this president," Bernie began, "but what we are witnessing now is a feeding frenzy.  You can listen to MSNBC's Morning Joe for three hours, five days a week and hear nothing but bashing of Donald Trump."  Bernie bemoaned the atmosphere that enables people like Stephen Colbert and Kathy Griffin to believe they can say anything at all, no matter how obscene, about the president of the United States of America.  The entire enlightening conversation with Bernie is available here on BillOReilly.com. 

Monday's NSN ended with comments and questions from BillOReilly.com Premium Members, many of whom opined on the rash of terrorism in the United Kingdom.  In response to one question, Bill theorized that President Trump is having a tough time with the barrage of insults and mockery:  "I do think that these vicious attacks on President Trump have hurt him psychologically.  This is a man who wants to be liked and he wants his unbelievable achievement of being elected acknowledged.  But instead it's being scorned and it's being said that Russia did it all.  So the attacks are affecting Donald Trump and it's his challenge to overcome that." 

Again, Bill's entire conversation with Bernie Goldberg is right here for your listening pleasure.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on London Terror & the Return of Bernie Goldberg
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