News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?
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1. Which Republican candidate says he will drop out if he does not finish in the top three in Iowa?
2. Meanwhile, which candidate says he will absolutely, positively not participate in any preliminary 'undercard' at the next GOP debate?
3. Former Senator Jim Webb, who dropped out of the Democratic race in October, has denounced whom for 'inept leadership?'
4. Accused deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl appeared at a hearing at Fort Bragg in North Carolina last week. How did he plead?
5. Bergdahl has likened himself to which fictional double agent?
6. Prior to leaving for his annual Hawaii vacation, President Obama sat down for an interview with which friendly media outlet?
7. Donald Trump's latest controversy erupted when he used a term that is considered vulgar in which language or dialect?
8. Which Republican candidate unexpectedly won the Iowa caucuses in 2012?
9. A renowned preacher and lifelong Republican has quit the party in disgust. Who?
10. Which well known Las Vegas headliner is actively supporting Donald Trump?