News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

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1. The late Justice Antonin Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court by which president?
2. The Senate confirmed Scalia by a vote of 98 - 0. Who is the last Supreme Court justice to win unanimous approval?
3. Which Republican candidate has accused President George W. Bush of lying to the American people prior to the war in Iraq?
4. Which demographic group did Hillary Clinton win in the New Hampshire primary?
5. Which country's leaders are peeved at Bernie Sanders for describing their nation as 'socialist?'
6. Delaware Governor Jack Markell has issued a formal apology for the state's role in what?
7. Bernie Sanders bemoans the fact that three U.S. drug companies each racked up more than $10-billion in profit last year. Which firm earned the most money?
8. Among the eight remaining candidates on both sides, who is the only person to have served in the military?
9. The rapper Kanye West has declared whom to be absolutely innocent?
10. Ashley Graham graces the cover of Sports Illustrated's much-hyped swimsuit issue. It is notable because she is what?