News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

Try to beat last week's 5.3 average!
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1. A day after Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump, which other Republican governor followed suit?
2. Speaking of endorsements, which original member of Bill Clinton's cabinet has endorsed Bernie Sanders?
3. In her resounding primary victory in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton won nearly every segment of voters. Which of these was an exception?
4. When he died in Texas, Antonin Scalia was with members of the International Order of St. Hubertus. The exclusive club meets to partake in what activity?
5. John Kasich, one of five remaining Republican contenders, says he will quit the race if he fails to win which state?
6. One of the questioners at last week's Republican debate was Maria Celeste Arrasa, a reporter at which network?
7. The now-defunct Trump University has been attacked by Marco Rubio and many others. The 'university' specialized in what area of study?
8. The movie 'Spotlight' won numerous Academy Awards including best picture. It focuses on what?
9. Disputing the notion that the USA is in decline, a billionaire declared, 'Babies born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.' Who?
10. Another MSNBC host has walked off his or her show, which was promptly canceled. Who?