News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

Try to beat last week's 5.8 average!
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1. Donald Trump implied last week that which two nations should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons?
2. Hillary Clinton lost her temper when she was asked about taking contributions from the oil industry. The target of her ire is with what environmental organization?
3. Which nuclear nation skipped last week's summit on nuclear security in Washington?
4. Of the five remaining presidential candidates, who raised the most money in March?
5. Which U.S. city's murder rate has nearly doubled in the first three months of 2016?
6. Which is the only nation that uses beheading as its primary method of execution?
7. Which university will name its law school in honor of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia?
8. After Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, which Republican has the most delegates?
9. One company in the Dow Jones Industrial Average had an especially rough first quarter, with its stock losing 12% and 4,000 layoffs announced. Which?
10. What is 'Bernie's Yearning?'