News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

Try to beat last week's 5.9 average!
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1. Which major European capital now has a Muslim mayor?
2. What caused the massive fires that are devastating western Canada?
3. Who is the only former Republican presidential nominee likely to attend the party's convention in July?
4. Sarah Palin now says her goal is to end the political career of which Republican?
5. Major League Baseball has canceled plans to play two games in Puerto Rico later this month. Why?
6. President Obama has done this more often than any president since Franklin Roosevelt, who served three full terms. What?
7. One prominent branch of the Justice Department will stop using which term?
8. The French fashion house Chanel has staged a runway show featuring it's ultra-expensive clothing in which city?
9. A California airport is stripping whose name from its official designation?
10. New York City's radical leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio is actually urging city residents to avoid a certain retail outlet. Which?