American Patriot Quiz
How Well Do You Know Alexander Hamilton?
Alexander Hamilton was born January 11th, 1755 or 1757 (The exact date is unknown). He was a founding father who was instrumental in the development of the United States.

Take the quiz to learn more.
American Patriot Quiz Image
1. George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first secretary of what?
2. Hamilton co-wrote what famous group of essays with James Madison and John Jay?
3. While serving as secretary of treasury, Hamilton often clashed with what other cabinet member and soon-to-be president over the scope of the federal government?
4. Hamilton represented what state at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
5. Even though Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, he was born on what tropical island in the Caribbean?
6. In 1804, Hamilton worked hard to ensure that Burr lost his election to what position?
7. Who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton?
8. Hamilton is currently featured on what denomination of U.S. currency?
9. Which of the following cannot be said of Alexander Hamilton?
10. Hamilton established a newspaper in 1801, what is that newspaper's current name?