American Patriot Quiz
Quiz Yourself on 31st President Herbert Hoover
Take our quiz on Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, whose birthday is on August 10th.

Take the quiz to learn more.
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1. Hoover was the first president to be raised in what faith?
2. Born in West Branch Iowa, Hoover was also the first president born west of what geographical landmark?
3. Hoover earned what nickname for his role in World War I?
4. Seven months after Hoover's presidency began, Black Thursday signaled the beginning of what period?
5. Hoover made a huge mistake when signing into law what doomed act?
6. Hoover is the only president to have written a book about another president. Which?
7. Hoover served in what position in the Harding and Coolidge administrations?
8. Hoover and his wife, Lou, often spoke to each other in what language to prevent others from overhearing their conversations?
9. Hoover was also the first president to be a millionaire. In what fields did Hoover earn his fortune?
10. The White House was filled with dogs during the Hoover presidency including Hoover's favorite, a German Shepard named after which Egyptian Pharaoh?