American Patriot Quiz
How Well Do You Know 14th U.S. President Franklin Pierce?
Test your knowledge of 14th U.S. President Franklin Pierce, born November 23, 1804.

Take the quiz to learn more.
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1. In what state was Pierce born?
2. Throughout his presidency and campaign, Pierce was criticized for having what condition?
3. Before serving as president, Pierce served as Brigadier General and fought in what war?
4. To what political party did Pierce belong?
5. In 1854, Pierce signed what act that effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise and expanded slavery?
6. Later becoming president of the Confederacy, who served as Pierce's Secretary of War?
7. Which political position did Pierce NOT hold during his career?
8. Published during Pierce's presidency, the Ostend Manifesto argued that what Spanish territory should be acquired by the U.S. as a slave state?
9. In the 1856 election, who defeated Pierce to claim the Democratic Party nomination?
10. In a survey conducted by C-SPAN in December 1999, Franklin Pierce was listed as the 3rd worst U.S. President. Which president was listed as the worst?