American Patriot Quiz
How Well Do You Know Lady Bird Johnson?
Test your knowledge of former First Lady of the United States, Lady Bird Johnson, born December 22, 1912.

Take O'Reilly's History Quiz to learn more.
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1. What name was Lady Bird Johnson born with?
2. Johnson hails from which southwestern U.S. state?
3. Johnson took on an expanded role during the 1960 presidential campaign, travelling the country and appearing at more than 100 events in support of what Democratic presidential nominee?
4. Lady Bird stood by her husband's side when he was sworn in as president. Where was president Johnson sworn in?
5. Johnson was the first First Lady to have what?
6. Johnson was instrumental in advocating for and promoting what Act, which sought to limit billboards and plant roadside areas?
7. Johnson campaigned for what Democratic nominee during the 1968 presidential campaign?
8. During the 1964 presidential campaign, Johnson travelled through eight southern states in her own train to promote what act?
9. Johnson is the third longest living First Lady, behind Bess Truman and which other 20th Century First Lady?
10. Founding a research center and helping to write a book on the subject, Johnson was an advocate for the preservation of what flower?