American Patriot Quiz
How Well Do You Know Super Bowl History?
Pre-game for Super Bowl LI and quiz yourself on Super Bowl trivia. .

Take the quiz to learn more.
American Patriot Quiz Image
1. In what year was the first Super Bowl played?
2. As of 2016, what NFL team holds the record for most Super Bowl wins?
3. Which of the following musical acts has yet to perform during the Super Bowl Halftime Show?
4. From Super Bowl XXV to XXVIII, which team lost four consecutive Super Bowls?
5. Which other team has lost four Super Bowls, without leading at any time?
6. Who was the first African-American head coach to win a Super Bowl?
7. Who was the first player to be awarded the Super Bowl MVP award three times?
8. What is the name of the Super Bowl Trophy?
9. The Super Bowl has a tradition of using Roman numerals instead of numbers to identify games. Which Super Bowl was an exception?
10. According to the USDA, Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest food consumption day, behind what other holiday?