O'Reilly's History Quiz
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, not in his adopted city of Philadelphia, but where?

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1. Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, not in his adopted city of Philadelphia, but where?
2. Always an avid writer, Franklin first published under what pseudonym?
3. With only two years of formal schooling, Franklin was always one for self-improvement. To help other self-starters he founded the first successful what in America?
4. Franklin started Philadelphia's second newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, but found huge popularity prior to that with what collection?
5. The 1740s saw Franklin move from printing and into science. He developed what implement in the early 1750s that electrified the world's scientific community?
6. A man of letters, it seems fitting that Franklin was appointed to what post in 1753?
7. Franklin spent 9 years in what country, securing a necessary alliance?
8. Franklin is the only founding father to have done what?
9. What did Franklin consider to be his last great civic cause?
10. It is hard to overstate Franklin's influence and contribution to America, earning him what nickname?