O'Reilly's History Quiz
Valentine's Day Quiz
Originally a Roman festival celebrated in mid-February, Valentine's Day was called the feast of what?

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1. Originally a Roman festival celebrated in mid-February, Valentine's Day was called the feast of what?
2. Which Roman emperor martyred Saint Valentine?
3. When did handmade cards make their first appearance for Valentine's Day?
4. Chaucer used what imagery in his poem "Parliament of Foules" that inspired people to think of Valentine's Day as we do now?
5. Valentine's Day is mentioned in how many of Shakespeare's plays?
6. During what time period did factory-made cards arrive?
7. What chocolate company had the first heart shaped box?
8. What card company began in 1913 and remains the most popular for valentines ever since?
9. What famous inventor is responsible for the first on screen kiss?
10. Al Capone was responsible for what violent Valentine's Day event?