O'Reilly's History Quiz
How Well Do You Know The Kentucky Derby?
The first Kentucky Derby took place on May 17 in what year?

Take O'Reilly's History Quiz to learn more.
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1. The first Kentucky Derby took place on May 17 in what year?
2. Meriwether Lewis Clark started the Kentucky Derby and leased land for the track from which relatives, who lent their name to the track?
3. What "colonial college" sponsored the first official survey of what would become Louisville?
4. Who was the town of Louisville named after?
5. Louisville served as what during the Civil War?
6. What is the official drink of the Kentucky Derby?
7. What is the Derby's nickname?
8. What famous American songwriter penned the official song of the Derby, "My Old Kentucky Home"?
9. Louisville is not a one-sport town; it also produced what ball-sport product?
10. Which horse won the Kentucky Derby in 1973, and went on to become a racing legend?