O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz: Legends & Lies Episode 5 - Thomas Jefferson and Independence
After a bitter struggle between rebels and loyalists, Congress is convinced to declare independence, but with the British Army and famed General William Howe arriving in New York on July 1st, time is short. That doesn't stop Thomas Jefferson from squabbling with Ben Franklin and John Adams over the text that will become America's founding document. The declaration is signed and read throughout the colonies. In New York, Washington uses Jefferson's words to rally his troops, but they may not be enough to help hold the colonies' most strategic city.

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1. On June 7, 1776, who introduced a resolution to the Continental Congress encouraging them to issue a declaration of independence?
2. The committee assigned to draft the declaration of independence included five men: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, and what other man?
3. Thomas Jefferson wrote what work in 1774 that laid out the First Continental Congress's complaints against the Crown and helped to establish him as a skilled writer?
4. How many future presidents signed the Declaration of Independence?
5. The first printed reproduction copies of the Declaration of Independence are known as what?
6. The Declaration of Independence was passed unanimously, with which colony abstaining from the vote?
7. Prior the 1776, many American colonists who took up arms against the British believed they were fighting for what?
8. What pamphlet published in January 1776 helped the colonists see themselves as independent from the Crown?
9. How many people signed the Declaration?
10. Where did official copies Declaration and the Constitution spend World War II?