O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Georgia History
Georgia became the fourth state in the Union when it ratified what document on January 2, 1788?

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1. Georgia became the fourth state in the Union when it ratified what document on January 2, 1788?
2. James Oglethorpe established the first permanent European settlement in present-day Georgia, creating which city?
3. Who did Oglethorpe beat on St. Simons Island, Georgia, to establish English claims to the land?
4. Oglethorpe dreamed that Georgia would be a refuge for what group of people?
5. A wealthy colony, Georgia was the only colony wholly occupied by whom during the Revolutionary War?
6. Georgia was the site of the most notorious what during the Civil War?
7. General Sherman's Savannah Campaign is colloquially known as what?
8. Peanuts, peaches, and what other produce item hold places as Georgia state symbols?
9. What beverage was first created in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886?
10. What artist was born in Albany, Georgia, in 1930 and always kept 'Georgia on his mind'?