O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Born on January 30, 1882, where was Franklin Delano Roosevelt born?

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1. Born on January 30, 1882, where was Franklin Delano Roosevelt born?
2. Roosevelt served in whose administration as assistant secretary of the Navy during World War I?
3. Roosevelt founded what nonprofit in 1939 to help raise money for polio research?
4. What was Roosevelt addressing when he said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?
5. In order to revive the flailing economy, Roosevelt embarked on an ambition works and welfare project known collectively as what?
6. While facing truly unprecedented domestic problems, Roosevelt also had to face down what kinds of governments growing across the globe?
7. Roosevelt used what medium to speak to the American public?
8. What date would "live in infamy" forever for Roosevelt and the nation?
9. In order to figure out a plan for a post-war world, Roosevelt drafted a plan for a coalition of countries that he called what?
10. Roosevelt died just before the German surrender in 1945, having served how many terms as president?