O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Peter Minuit & New York City
Minuit is famous for what action involving the island of Manhattan?

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1. On May 4, 1626, Peter Minuit, arrived at the island of Manhattan from where?
2. Who employed Peter Minuit?
3. Minuit is famous for what action involving the island of Manhattan?
4. Who seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch in 1664?
5. What nation controlled New York City until the American Revolution?
6. In the nineteenth century, like today, New York City was one of the nation's largest ports, playing a role in marketing what Southern staple?
7. The completion of what commercial byway in 1825 made New York City the trading capital of the nation?
8. In what year did Manhattan merge with the four boroughs to form what we know today as New York City?
9. Who was the first European to see the land that became New York City?
10. After the Revolution, New York City served as the first what?