Top Story Quiz
Quiz: Trump Reduces Environmental Regulations
President Trump makes good on his campaign promise to boost the oil/gas drilling and coal mining industries by reducing environmental regulations. How closely have you been following the story?
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1. In an executive order, President Trump called for a review of an Obama administration policy restricting emissions at coal-fired power plants. What is that regulation called?
2. The CEO of which company bashed Trump's coal executive order in an internal memo?
3. A climate agreement was reached by world leaders, who pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in which city in 2015?
4. How many countries signed the Paris Agreement?
5. Which oil company has written urging the Trump administration to stick with the Paris Agreement?
6. Only one Republican Senator voted against confirming Scott Pruitt after his hearings last month. Who was it?
7. After which president is EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. named?
8. Staff at which federal agency has reportedly been told to stop using the phrase "climate change?"
9. Which company makes chlorpyrifos, the controversial pesticide the EPA announced it wouldn't ban despite Obama administration efforts?
10. Where has Trump fought efforts to build a "really ugly wind farm" offshore from one of his golf clubs?