News Quiz
Week of 6/26
Good luck, and thanks for your participation in the community! Check back next week for another opportunity to test your knowledge of current events!
1. Despite pleas from the Bush administration, the New York Times published details of a government program that monitors money transfers among suspected terrorists. What was Times executive editor Bill Keller's stated reason?
2. Seven would-be terrorists arrested in Miami last week were allegedly plotting to bomb which of these buildings?
3. A former government official has endorsed a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, calling that nation "the danger of our times." Which Democrat advocates unilateral US military action?
4. This past weekend, another Democrat warned that America's presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than the nuclear threats of North Korea or Iran. Who?
5. Don Goldwater, nephew of former presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, is a Republican candidate for Governor of Arizona. What did he propose as a solution to illegal immigration?
6. Backed by the ACLU, registered sex offenders in Georgia have filed a lawsuit against the state. What are they challenging?
7. According to a study by researchers at the University of Washington, using condoms during sex can help prevent what?
8. Brittany McComb, a graduating senior at Foothill High School in Nevada, was cut off in the middle of her valedictorian speech. What did school officials find offensive?
9. Television producer Aaron Spelling died Friday at age 83. Which of these series was not among Spelling's prodigious body of work?
10. Utah Republican John Jacob, who is hoping to win a seat in Congress, recently claimed he is at a distinct disadvantage. What is it?