News Quiz
Week of 3/5
1. Maine's Olympia Snowe is the third Republican Senator to announce his or her retirement. One is Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas; who is the other?
2. Across the aisle, which former Democratic Senator will run for his former seat after being out of office more than a decade?
3. Which company removed its ads from Rush Limbaugh's radio show after he called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a "slut?"
4. What is Benjamin Netanyahu's official position in the Israeli government?
5. Which is NOT part of the late Andrew Breitbart's web empire?
6. A group of liberal business leaders, including Ben and Jerry of ice cream fame, plan to pour millions of dollars into which organization?
7. For the first time in memory, not a single new one was created in the United States last year. What?
8. Mitt Romney has secured the endorsement of which eccentric rock star?
9. According to President Obama, what is the one thing Michelle "allows" him to watch in the morning?
10. Many pornographic movie makers are moving their production out of California because of what?