News Quiz
Week of 08/20
1. Under federal campaign laws, presidential candidates are required to release how many years of federal tax returns?
2. Which governor will deliver the keynote address at the Republican National Convention?
3. Last week police opened fire on striking workers, killing 34 in a bloody massacre. Where?
4. Some Guantanamo Bay inmates who cooperate with authorities are reportedly being given what as a reward?
5. The financially distressed New York Times has hired Mark Thompson as CEO. Which organization did he most recently run?
6. Eric Boehlert, a liberal writer for the George Soros-funded website Media Matters, accused whom of being "gutless?"
7. Which has been the worst-performing large-cap stock over the past three months?
8. Which Latin American nation has granted political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is wanted for sex crimes in Sweden?
9. President Obama sat down for an interview with which organization last week?
10. The Centers for Disease Control has measured obesity in America. As usual, Mississippi is the fattest state; which is the leanest?