News Quiz
Week of 07/08
1. Which provision of the Affordable Care Act has been delayed by a full year?
2. Mohamed ElBaradei, a leading candidate to serve as Egypt's interim prime minister, formerly headed which international organization?
3. Asiana Airlines Flight 214, which crash-landed at San Francisco's airport Saturday, took off from what city?
4. Unemployment has been stuck above 7.5% for 54 consecutive months, the longest such stretch since when?
5. Barack Obama and George W. Bush had a rare meeting last week. Where?
6. As of Monday, which nation has expressed a willingness to grant NSA leaker Edward Snowden political asylum?
7. California legislators are considering a proposal that would provide free condoms to whom?
8. Who is Yasiel Puig?
9. Mohamed Morsi, who has been ousted by the Egyptian military, held what job before being elected president last year?
10. Hollywood's summer has been chilled by some very expensive box office duds. Which is not among them?