News Quiz
Week of 5/12
1. In an unusual move, President Obama's weekly radio address was given by whom on Saturday?
2. Which prominent Republican is advising his party to soften its demand for voter ID laws?
3. Meanwhile, which Republican announced his support for an increase in the federal minimum wage?
4. On the Democratic side, a former member of Bill Clinton's cabinet called President Obama's appearance at Wal-Mart a "numbskull move." Who?
5. Apple's impending purchase of Beats Electronics will make whom the first billionaire rapper?
6. Which magazine published Monica Lewinsky's much-discussed tell-all article?
7. Much attention is now focused on Nigeria, where a radical Islamist group is committing savage atrocities. Nigeria has what distinction in Africa?
8. According to Harry Reid, billionaires Charles and David Koch are "one of the main causes" of what?
9. According to a study by the Brookings Institution, what has declined by 50% over the past 25 years in America?
10. The U.S. Open, a major tournament in a once popular sport, has been canceled for the second year in a row. Which sport?