Wednesday, March 29, 2017
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
A Brand New Poll on President Trump
"According to CBS News, the president's job approval rating stands at 40%, while 52% disapprove. Seven percent don't know. That's not surprising for a president with no prior political experience who is vowing to 'drain the swamp' in Washington. Also, most Americans do not blame the president for the failure of the health care bill and most want the FBI to investigate a possible link between the Trump campaign and the Russian government? Here's a question I would like posed to the American people: Do you believe that the hatred toward President Trump has reached a dangerous level for this country? The answer is yes. Whether you like the president or not, it is brutally unfair to try to undermine his administration as some of his opponents are trying to do. We have the Democratic Party refusing to cooperate on anything. As fair-minded people will concede, there was hatred toward President Obama. But in the first months of his tenure, there was no apparent undermining of his administration. But now we have a climate of hatred where there are no rules. And the media feeds the beast every single day. I have never seen the national press despise a president more than they do Donald Trump. Richard Nixon might have come close at the end of his term, but what we have now is unfair and destructive for America. Hate should not be part of the political landscape."

The Factor asked Eric Bolling and Geraldo Rivera to evaluate the widespread loathing of Donald Trump. "The left-stream media was completely caught off guard by Trump's win," Bolling said, "and they are angry and bitter. They have given Trump a hard time about everything he says and does. President Trump deserves an 'A' on some policies and the economy, but his communications department has to do better." Rivera disputed the notion that President Trump's policies have been uniformly successful. "He is a very flamboyant personality and he has had some terrible stumbles. Yes, jobs are great, but there was this clumsy refugee ban and he was knifed in the back on the health care bill by the Republican Freedom Caucus. If he had succeeded in getting that passed, the buzz would be much different." The Factor reiterated, "The media and a lot of regular folks simply don't like him."
Impact Segment
Dealing with Sanctuary Cities
Some American mayors met Wednesday with Homeland Security boss John Kelly to talk about sanctuary cities and the administration's threat to withhold funds. The Factor was joined by reporter Kelly Cohen, who was at the gathering in Washington. "Fewer than ten mayors from sanctuary cities met with John Kelly," she said, "and they said they are not breaking federal law and therefore you can't take away federal funds. The mayors say that ICE detainers are voluntary and they are not warrants backed by law." Karl Rove joined the discussion from Austin, Texas, a city that is being financially penalized by the state for its sanctuary policies. "Austin is a very liberal town," he said, "and so you can expect them to adopt these policies. The sheriff says she will ignore ICE detainers except if the detainer involves murder and a few other serious crimes, but not manslaughter or drug dealing. This is just ludicrous!"
Personal Story
ICE Raid Warning?
In Massachusetts, liberal State Representative Michelle DuBois actually warned illegal immigrants about a possible upcoming raid by federal authorities. The Factor spoke with Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, who says DuBois broke the law and should resign. "She sent out an alert about an ICE raid in the city of Brockton," the sheriff complained, "and she warned people to stay in their house and to not answer the door. This is an elected official who went out of her way to harbor people who were targeted. She put ICE agents at risk and if it can be proved that she actually assisted in someone getting away, she broke the law."
Lou's The Boss
Money Woes
A new study by the Federal Reserve shows that about one-third of American consumers would have trouble coming up with $2,000 in an emergency. The Factor asked Fox Business host Lou Dobbs to opine. "We look at all kinds of numbers," Dobbs observed, "but a sizeable number of people can't come up with $2,000 in four weeks. We rank 14th in household savings, Mexico has a higher savings rate than the United States! Part of it is that we are offshoring our production and outsourcing our jobs, and it is also partially lifestyle and consumer behavior. The system favors banks and not the consumer, certainly not the poor consumer. People are getting horribly and desperately short-changed."
Miller Time
The Snowflake Quiz
The Factor welcomed Dennis Miller, who came up with some questions designed to determine whether someone is 'old school' or a 'snowflake.' "The first question I would ask any kid applying for a job," he joked, "is whether he or she is crazy for wanting to work for a living with all the freebies out there. Then I would reveal a snowflake by asking if it is upsetting that Roy Rogers named his horse 'Trigger.' I would ask whether 'good morning' is a micro-aggression against people who like to sleep in. I'd ask how much they would sue me for for making them take this quiz, and whether they are too lazy to get restless leg syndrome. Finally, I'd ask whether they think Nancy Pelosi is a moron. That is the one unifying thing in this culture, that Nancy Pelosi is a moron!"
Did You See That?
What's Going on in Syria?
Democratic Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico says that the United States has "effectively invaded northern Syria," thus improperly perpetrating an act of war. The senator refused an invitation to appear, so The Factor asked Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum to examine Udall's allegation. "He doesn't want us to have troops on the ground there," she reported, "and this deals with the authorization of the use of military force. Senator Udall says we have no right to be there because it was not authorized by Congress. But this falls under the Authorization for Use of Military Force that has been in place since 9/11." The Factor urged Senator Udall to enter the No Spin Zone, saying, "If you're going to say this stuff, senator, have the cojones to come on and explain!"
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Karen Pando, Altoona, FL: "I listened with sadness to the segment on political correctness. It's true that some people consider achievers the enemy, and that made me realize Atlas Shrugged has come to life 60 years after it was written."

Charlie Breese, Concord, NC: "Bill, you asked how the PC culture happened. We let it happen. We did nothing about it."

Cat Morningstar, Laramie, WY: "Nostradamus warned against political correctness. He said it would destroy a society."

Alexandra Brialdi, Alpharetta, GA: "O'Reilly, why on earth did you apologize to Maxine Waters? She has threatened President Trump with impeachment."
Tip of the Day
The Repulsiveness of False Accusations
Be very, very wary of branding someone a 'racist' without a wealth of evidence. False allegations are dangerous, dishonest, and lower than low.