O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on WWII History: Germany and Japan
Germany invaded what country on September 1, 1939?

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1. Germany invaded what country on September 1, 1939?
2. September 2, 1945, saw what country surrender aboard the USS Missouri?
3. What was the name of the policy that Hitler used to annex other countries?
4. Who was appointed by President Truman to oversee the occupation of Japan?
5. The severity of what battle made the United States wary of invading Japan?
6. Who was prime minister of Great Britain when Germany began its invasion on September 1, 1939?
7. What country invaded the Japanese held territory of Manchuria in August 1945?
8. What military tactic created by the Germans allowed them take much of Europe so quickly?
9. The United States dropped atomic bombs on which Japanese cities?
10. What country signed a nonaggression pact with Germany that Germany then broke in 1941?