O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on American Newspaper History
The nation's first daily newspaper was the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser. It was published on September 21 in what year?

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1. The nation's first daily newspaper was the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser. It was published on September 21 in what year?
2. Which founding father's older brother published the first independent colonial American newspaper?
3. The Pennsylvania Gazette and many other colonial newspapers suspended publication to protest what new tax?
4. How many newspapers kept colonial Americans abreast of news during the Revolution?
5. What guarantees the freedom of the press and expression?
6. What acts were passed in 1798 by President Adams to silence his critics?
7. High speed printing presses in the 1830s led to the rise of a new kind of journalism called what?
8. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer are responsible for what type of sensational journalism in the 1890s?
9. What country published newspapers first?
10. What was the first book to be printed?