What's Important?
March 29, 2023
Recent polling shows a disturbing drop in the "what's important" category. Led by younger Americans, religion and patriotism are on the skids. This is NOT a good thing, but understandable in our current culture. 
Organized religion has been shrinking for years in the USA, mirroring what happened in Europe in the late 20th century. Two reasons: first, many clerics cannot connect their theology to the modern world. They are essentially boring and disinterested in the actual lives of their congregations. I go to Mass every Sunday.  I know what I'm talking about.
Second, many folks don't believe in right and wrong any longer. They want to do whatever. They reject any judgment of behavior, which is what religion does, with a few exceptions.
On the patriotism front, the collapse of the public schools in many places fosters ignorance and apathy about a citizen's duty. Younger folks now tend to identify with social culture, not a vast nation.
If you don't know history, geography, and political science, why would you have an attachment to your country? Immigrants often love America more than those born here because they know what America provides; they can compare now to then.
Younger Americans, in general, have little frame of reference. They live insulated lives drifting in cyber-space. Some of them are even insulted they have to earn a living. Their collective motto: "where's mine."
Any country is only as strong as the people who live in it.  Our decline is apparent.
See you tonight for the No Spin News.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:00 AM
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