Man Deported Eight Times Arrested for Transportation of Narcotics
January 17, 2019

Authorities in Utah have arrested a man for transporting narcotics into that state from Sinaloa, Mexico. Not unusual, right? It is estimated that 90 percent of the hard drugs flowing into the USA come from our southern neighbor. But here’s something that might get your attention: the thug now in a Utah jail had been deported eight times after being convicted of criminal activity in the USA. Eight times!

So, Nancy Pelosi, what do you have to say about that? Obviously, this drug dealer can get into this country illegally anytime he wants. No problema, señora.

What’s that, Madam Speaker? Drones might inhibit him? Do you really believe that?

I didn’t think so.

Kate’s Law would stop him because he’d be serving ten years in a federal pen if he defied deportation even once. But you and the entire Democrat Party oppose Kate’s Law, and a wall, and any other tough measure to stop the illegal immigration madness.

Yes, yes, I know we must be compassionate while tons of meth, cocaine, and heroin pour in here killing and enslaving hundreds of thousands of Americans. According to you, Madam Speaker, a wall on the southern border is “immoral.” But drug importation, murder and other heinous crimes might be a bit more immoral - or am I wrong?

The absurdity of the government shutdown over a small federal expenditure for a border barrier is in full view. Tonight we’ll have more for you on this frustrating situation.

Also, please read my brand new column on the troubling alliance between some major corporations and the democrats.

Thanks for visiting us today. 

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:10 AM
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