Monday, July 25, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Trump vs. Obama : A Vision of America
"According to the uber-liberal New York Times, Donald Trump's keynote address last week was designed to terrify voters. He said we face 'poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad.' But President Obama does not buy Mr. Trump's allegations; instead he paints an optimistic picture. Talking Points is in business to put forth the truth so here it is. 69% of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the country, a direct repudiation of President Obama's point of view. Americans believe that a stagnant economy is making it very difficult for workers to increase their salaries. The majority of Americans also believe that disorder both at home and around the world is putting them in danger. Donald Trump has capitalized, saying he will make things better. Hillary Clinton seems to mostly support President Obama's vision, but does acknowledge the economic problem. Higher taxes and massive income redistribution will not stimulate the economy, so Mrs. Clinton is going to have to deal with that and separate herself from the Obama machine. Many in the Democratic Party support open borders, which means the consequences of illegal drug importation, illegal aliens committing crimes and higher competition for low wage jobs will continue. On the foreign front, President Obama's decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq led to the rise of ISIS. His failure to destroy Assad's air force in Syria after drawing a red line over poison gas has directly led to millions of refugees storming into Europe. President Obama's failure to confront Putin in Russia has directly led to chaos in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the Iranian nuke deal has increased the power of the mullahs, the Libya debacle has given ISIS a foothold in that country, the Chinese are expanding in southeast Asia, and Afghanistan is now a sanctuary for the Taliban and for ISIS terrorists who killed 80 people over the weekend in Kabul. The list goes on. Back home, race relations are worse than at any time since the 1960s. The far-left has run wild under President Obama, selling a narrative that America is a bad country dominated by white supremacy. Political correctness is destroying free speech and giving power to charlatans who are clogging the court system with frivolous law suits. Again, Talking Points could go on for hours. So Donald Trump may be terrifying voters with his rhetoric, but his warnings are based in reality, are they not? All of what I have just laid out is in-stone truth. And that has led to the rise of a strong-man politician, Donald Trump. The Democratic Convention this week will seek to counter Mr. Trump. We'll see if it succeeds."

The Factor invited reaction from Charles Krauthammer. "Your enumeration of the things that have gone wrong is true," Dr. K began, "and there is no region in the world where we are better off. Our adversaries are strengthened, our alliances are very week, and ISIS, which was downplayed by Obama, is now spreading everywhere. But on domestic issues, I think it's a little different. The murder rate is about half of what it was 20 years ago, so the idea that crime is rampant is simply not a reflection of reality. The strength of Trump is among whites without a college education, who live in a world of anxiety and shrinking wages. He brilliantly reflects their anxiety." The Factor concluded, "Hillary Clinton has to separate herself from President Obama, particularly on economics, or she will lose."
Impact Segment
Trouble for the Democrats?
With the Democratic National Convention underway and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz forced to step down, Democrat Mary Anne Marsh and Republican Katie Pavlich assessed the state of the party. "Things are pretty bad," Marsh admitted, "and in fact Bernie Sanders' supporters booed him earlier today. Bernie Sanders has no ability to control his supporters, who have been like this all along, but nothing the DNC did affected the outcome." Pavlich predicted that the Republicans will likely benefit from the Democratic chaos. "This proves that the DNC was used as an extension of the Hillary Clinton campaign, and America is sick of corruption, politicians, and rigged systems. This benefits Donald Trump, who has been talking about rigged politics, and it magnifies the notion of Hillary Clinton being untrustworthy."
Campaign 2016
Trump Trying to Steal Clinton's Thunder
Rather than sit home and watching the Democratic convention, Donald Trump is on the road campaigning. The Factor analyzed the Trump campaign with FNC's Brit Hume and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. "Occasionally I give advice to the Trump campaign," Gingrich said, "and he has a very interesting team. Paul Manifort has done an amazing job and Donald Trump is very open to ideas. He has begun to lay out a big divide between where he is and where she is." While obviously not a fan of Hillary Clinton, Gingrich lauded her selection of Tim Kaine to be her running mate. Hume, in turn, gave his initial perceptions from Philadelphia. "Conventions used to be pretty tumultuous, but these are now four-day shows designed to highlight the candidate. But events have transformed this from a day that was supposed to showcase party unity into just the opposite. It's even possible that the ticket could be booed by Sanders backers when they appear on the stage Thursday night."
Personal Story
Immigration & the Presidential Election
Soon after he addressed the DNC about immigration, Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez entered the No Spin Zone to discuss the issue. "We want to make sure," he said, "that people who come to the United States come legally. As part of immigration reform, we will give a background check to those who are here in this country, and at the border, we should use our resources smartly. Every American company should give workers a background check before they hire someone." After Gutierrez repeatedly evaded questions about securing the border, The Factor reminded him, "Some members of the Democratic Party want open borders, they want a free flow in and out."
Watters' World
Watters' World: Pokemon Go Edition
Millions of young Americans are mesmerized by Pokeman Go, a smart phone app that enables them to hunt for virtual creatures in their own neighborhoods. When Jesse Watters convinced a few of them to look up from their devices, here's what they told him: "I'm looking for Pikachu" ... "I play 12 hours a day" ... "The most dangerous thing I've done is stop in the middle of the road" ... "I broke my shoe and had to walk home barefoot" ... "I've seen people almost walk into traffic." Reporting from Philadelphia, Watters joked, "If they caught Pokeman here they would release him, because 'catch and release' is the Democrats' policy."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
John Campanile, Muncy, PA: "O'Reilly, you talked too much during the GOP convention. I wanted to hear the speakers."

Ron Smith, Tulsa, OK: "Senator Cruz proclaims himself a Christian but skipped the forgiveness lesson."

Heather Hartsook, Lynchburg, VA: "Mr. O, you are absolutely right about Senator Cruz. He should have recused himself from speaking at the convention if he wasn't going to endorse Trump."

John Paulk, Lexington, SC: "Mr. O'Reilly, you spun Ted Cruz's amazing speech to fit your narrative. Any rational person can see that if Trump wants to unite the Republican Party, he should apologize to Cruz."
Tip of the Day
Reward Thyself
After an especially productive day, there's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with a treat, but of course make sure it's legal and not harmful.
Monday: Day One of the Democratic National Convention