Tuesday, November 1, 2005
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The culture war blues
"It's not about Judge Samuel Alito's voting record or his competency as a judge. It's about the far left secular progressive movement losing control of the judicial process. Although already demonized by the far left media as a conservative extremist, an examination of Alito's decision making from the bench refutes that description. Nevertheless, a committed left wing press is all over Alito, and the big three far left senators - Kennedy, Schumer, and Boxer - don't like Alito one bit. But why? Judge Alito is a traditionalist who will not rule against the Pledge of Allegiance, the Boy Scouts, or Christmas symbols in public. Thus the far left sees trouble ahead in the courts, which is the only avenue it has, since the folks will never vote for a secular progressive agenda. That's why the far left immediately went into attack mode. It's not fair, but there aren't any rules in the culture war. If the culture warriors on the left fight to the end, things could get nasty. And that's why The Factor is here - to keep you posted every step of the way."

Fox News Video: FoxNews.com

Top Story
Husbands, wives and abortions
Guests: Abortion rights supporter Mary Alice Carr & conservative Nancy Pfotenhauer

One of the left's arguments against Judge Alito is that he voted to uphold a Pennsylvania law that required a woman to notify her husband prior to undergoing an abortion. Abortion rights supporter Mary Alice Carr claimed women should be free to have an abortion without telling their spouses. "I'm very troubled about the government going in and telling a family this is what has to happen. Once you get married, you don't suddenly give up your rights to your husband." Conservative Nancy Pfotenhauer argued the other side, saying husbands have the right to be informed. "If the situation were reversed, I would be outraged that I was not even consulted about the termination of my child's life." The Factor suggested current abortion laws are biased against men. "Right now you have men in the United States who don't have a right to know if their wife is having an abortion, even if they're the father. And they don't have a right to know in many places if their 12-year old daughter has an abortion. This is brutally unfair to a man who procreates. It's morally wrong and it's constitutionally wrong."

Unresolved Problems Segment
Secret session
Guest: Fox News analyst Tony Snow

Senate Democrats demanded a rare closed-door session Tuesday to discuss intelligence failures in the run-up to the Iraq war. Fox News analyst Tony Snow described the move as a publicity stunt by the minority party. "This is an attempt to create a scandal out of nothing. Intelligence agencies around the world were all coming to the same conclusion. There's a lot of intelligence that Saddam Hussein spend a lot of time trying to get yellowcake uranium out of Africa." The Factor contended that the administration's errors have left it vulnerable to criticism. "There's no question Great Britain and the USA botched the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction. So there is a possibility that some people inside the Bush administration did fake the intelligence or weren't critical enough. Democrats are hoping to widen the scandal to say the administration lied to get us into war."

Factor Follow Up Segment
Through-the-roof oil profits
Guest: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson

The major oil companies have all registered enormous third-quarter profits, but is that partly a result of price gouging? Yes, according to New Mexico Governor and former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. "I do believe there's price gouging and Congress and the administration have to investigate. There's no correlation between $3 per gallon at the pump and the price per barrel on the international market. I was always a believer in market forces, but these increases are not unjustified." The Factor accused oil companies of rigging markets and fighting alternative fuel sources. "It's not a free market or free competition. All presidents beginning with Carter should have been looking into this because it's a disaster."

Impact Segment
Jessica's Law and Utah
Guest: Attorney Randy Richards

The Factor has been investigating states across America, urging them to protect children from sexual predators. The situation in Utah is unique - the state is lax in its attitude toward molesters, but extremely harsh on children who have sex with each other. Last year a 13-year old girl and 12-year old boy were convicted of first-degree felonies after engaging in intercourse and having a baby. Attorney Randy Richards, who represented the young girl, accused Utah authorities of having warped priorities. "I don't think they should punish the children - they need to help the children with counseling and classes. To slap a first degree punishment on these children is absurd." The Factor countered that some punishment is warranted. "I agree with you that these children are troubled and have to get help. But society has to send a message that this is just not permissible."

Personal Story Segment
Michelle Malkin's new book
Guest: Fox News analyst Michelle Malkin

In her book "Unhinged," Fox News analyst Michelle Malkin documents the vicious attacks directed at her and other conservatives. "There is a myth," Malkin said, "that the left has some sort of moral superiority over the right. There is a unique level of hypocrisy - people talking about my 'slanted eyes,' calling me a 'gook.' This is the left that has always postured itself as more civil than those of us on the right. We're talking about a disease that is permeating the leadership of the Democratic party." The Factor added that unvarnished hatred is not reserved for the left. "I agree with you that there are certain liberals who are unhinged - look at the Air America network, which is a disgrace. But there are unstable people on both sides, and zealots are zealots."

Back of Book Segment
Handling illegal immigration
Guest: California Assemblyman Ray Haynes

California Assemblyman Ray Haynes is sponsoring an initiative that would involve the state in border security, normally the responsibility of the federal government. "The idea is to establish a state police force," Haynes told The Factor, "whose sole function is to enforce federal immigration law. They would supplement the federal Border Patrol, and use the tools available to law enforcement to enforce immigration laws. They will hold illegal immigrants until the federal government comes and gets them." The Factor warned Haynes to expect plenty of organized resistance. "You're going to have all kinds of opposition. The ACLU is going to be down there in a heartbeat."

Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of your e-mails dealt with the indictment of Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Some excerpts:

Linda Sisson, Harwinton, CT: "Mr. O'Reilly, you are seriously out of touch with the average American. Don't say most people don't care about the Libby story - we do care. I rarely watch you. I find more accurate news on The Daily Show."

Wally Erskine, Cocoa, FL: "Who cares about Libby? The government should spend its time on important things like oil prices and the border."

Beverly White, Mankato, MN: "Bill, Libby could probably look you in the eye and say 'I did it,' and you would still think he's innocent."

Arlene Haecker, San Antonio, TX: "Mr. O'Reilly, you and Senator Schumer looked giddy about the indictment. I thought we lived in a country where one is presumed innocent."

Susan Boyer, Brevard, NC: "When Ken Starr accused Bill Clinton of perjury, Democrats trashed Starr. Did you hear Republicans trash Fitzgerald for indicting Libby?"

Terry Love, Greensboro, NC: "I thought the purpose of the investigation was to find out who blew the cover of CIA agent Valerie Plame. So who blew the cover of Valerie Plame?"

Books Mentioned

Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild
by Michelle Malkin