Monday, April 17, 2006
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
The dilemma of Iran
Guest: Fox News analyst Newt Gingrich

"Richard Clarke and Steven Simon, both counter-terrorism advisors under President Clinton, wrote an interesting op-ed about Iran. They said that if the USA punishes Iran for violating the world's nuclear arms agreement, Iran will strike back and order suicide bombers to attack us. Nowhere in their article do Clarke and Simon offer a solution to the Iran conundrum, so I'm reading this piece and saying to myself, 'what is the USA supposed to do?' The conventional answer is diplomacy. The Clinton administration was very diplomatic, and on Clarke and Simon's watch Al Qaeda rose in power and ferocity. Every time you hear the word 'diplomacy,' you should know the speaker has nothing else. Clarke and Simon are correct when they forecast that bad things will happen if we attack Iran, but more bad things will happen if that terror state gets nukes. So here's my plan: There should be a summit among industrialized nations, and each nation would submit a plan to deal with Iran. Those plans should be made public so everybody can see which nations want control and which nations want chaos. After the summit, the United Nations Security Council should vote on sanctions. Finally, America and Britain and other willing nations should meet secretly and decide a worst case scenario - what will happen if Iran continues its terror policy. That's what should happen - lots of diplomacy and conversation, but behind the scenes, a very big stick. Terrorism at this level must be confronted."

Fox News Video:

Fox News analyst Newt Gingrich elaborated on the problematic question of how to deal with Iran. "There's every indication that the Europeans are not going to have the courage to face down the Iranians," Gingrich told The Factor, "and the United States is at one of the great historic moments. Iran is openly saying they want to get missiles that can hit Europe and the United States and they want to get nuclear weapons. Are we prepared to run the risk of an Iranian dictatorship that openly says it wants to defeat us and annihilate Israel? Or are we going to decide that government is unacceptable?"

The former Speaker of the House also weighed in on the immigration debate, denouncing legislation being debated in the Senate. "It's a bad bill that must be stopped. It extends the number that would be eligible for amnesty to 36 million people because they dramatically broaden the definition of 'family.' What we need is to first of all control the border. And we have to enforce the law on American employers. Focus enforcement on businesses that are breaking the law, cheating on taxes, and failing to make sure they're hiring legal people."
Factor Follow Up Segment
Sami al-Arian to be deported
Guest: Steve Emerson, terrorism expert

The Factor previously investigated the suspected terrorist ties of Sami Al-Arian, a former professor at the University of South Florida. Al-Arian was acquitted on eight counts of aiding terrorists, but the jury deadlocked on nine other charges. He has now agreed to plead guilty to one count and will be deported, which terror expert Steve Emerson proclaimed a victory against a serious threat. "This felony count shows that Al-Arian knowingly provided assistance and services to Palestine Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group. He deposited money into bank accounts associated with the group, and this gives lie to the denials he has been issuing all these years." Emerson praised The Factor for bringing Sami Al-Arian to national attention. "He was associated with bringing the top level terrorists into the United States. He wasn't a low level guy, and you should feel very good about yourself."
Unresolved Problems Segment
Gay rights & straight backlash
Guest: Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown

In an organized effort to focus attention on their concerns, same-sex parents attended the annual White House Easter Egg Roll adorned in rainbow-colored leis. Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown defended the demonstration. "Those parents who showed up with their children wanted people to know that children of same-sex couples are no different from children of heterosexuals." Brown also endorsed a proposed California law mandating that schools teach children the positive contributions of gay Americans. "I think it's important that textbooks portray everybody who has made a contribution to the development of our nation, so you don't condemn people because of who they are." The Factor argued that the White House demonstration was totally inappropriate. "I think the Easter Egg deal will do more harm than good to the cause of gay rights, because most Americans say 'enough.' Don't use a kids' event to try to forward a political agenda. It's an Easter Egg roll, Mr. Mayor. Do you really want a 6-year old to get into a discussion of homosexuality at an Easter Egg roll?"
Personal Story Segment
Updates on Duke & Holloway cases
Guest: Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo Rivera reported on two high-profile criminal cases, including the revelation that 19-year old Geoffrey von Cromvoirt has been detained by Aruba authorities investigating the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. "He is a private security company employee," Rivera explained, "who was on duty the night Natalee disappeared. He has been bragging that he knows who really did it and what happened. I believe they are holding this kid because they believe he knows something, and that the big arrests will come when one of the original three suspects is re-arrested." Moving to another case, Rivera analyzed reports that two Duke lacrosse players have been secretly indicted in the alleged rape of a stripper. "Indictments are sealed because you are in negotiations with a defense attorney to cop a plea. That's what I believe is happening in this case. I believe defense attorneys are negotiating a reduced charge, and by the end of the week two kids will cop a plea." The Factor agreed that a reduced charge may be in the offing. "There are lots of problems for the prosecution in this case, so this makes perfect sense. This may be lowered to assault, because if they try to charge rape it's not a winning case."
Back of Book Segment
Exxon, retirement & gas prices
Guest: Fox News business VP Neil Cavuto

Retiring ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond has received one of the most lavish pension deals in history, worth an estimated $400 million. Fox News anchor and VP Neil Cavuto defended Raymond's pay package. "He's been there for 43 years and runs the most profitable company in the world. We live in a free and capitalist society. It's a slippery slope when you start policing what people earn." The Factor denounced the deal as outrageous. "I believe oil companies are gouging, and then they turn around and pay one human being $400 million. If he were so good, he would have developed ethanol. I have to draw the line, and I'm drawing it here. I'm not going to buy a drop of gasoline ever again from ExxonMobil."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of you sent e-mails about radical leftist and pro-immigration activist Delores Huerta, who was invited to speak at a Tucson public school. Some excerpts:

Jon Beard, Taunton, MA: "Bill, you let the Tucson Superintendent off too easily. He said the radical speaker was part of 'a process.' Yet she has been to the school four times. The process is brainwashing."

Joshua Zatcoff, Waltham, MA: "O'Reilly, you don't want Ms. Huerta at the Tucson school because of her 'hate speech,' but then you have Ann Coulter on The Factor?"

Gil Padilla, Dayton, OH: "Bill, so Ann Coulter wants all illegal immigrants rounded up. What a surprise. Of course she never did address who would fill all the jobs they currently do."

Pat Bolton, Thousand Oaks, CA: "Good for Ann Coulter, I agree with her."