Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor
Thursday, August 9, 2012
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
The American mindset is changing toward an entitlement culture
Guests: Kirsten Powers and Leslie Marshall

"Under President Obama the USA has greatly increased social welfare programs. The President will tell you that's because of the bad recession, but we've gone through bad recessions before. More than 100-million Americans are now receiving some kind of federal welfare, and that does not count Social Security or Medicare. In 2000, 34-million Americans were on Medicaid; now the number is 54-million. In 2000, 17-million of us received food stamps; today that number is an astronomical 45-million Americans. Some Americans need help, no question about it, but what President Obama does not want to articulate is that there is a shift in how many Americans see themselves. It used to be that self-reliance ruled, but now many of us feel we are entitled to free stuff because it's not really our fault if we're not prospering. There is a tremendous sense of entitlement among some Americans who simply have not succeeded. President Obama is encouraging that mindset by putting out a narrative that says wealthy Americans and business people are not paying their 'fair share,' even though all the stats show that affluent pay the vast majority of federal taxes. In France, the new Socialist president wants to tax the affluent at a rate of 75% so he can dole the money out to French citizens who don't have very much, thereby ensuring their permanent support. Do you see a difference between the French Socialist strategy and what the Democratic Party wants in the USA? I don't."

FNC analysts Kirsten Powers and Leslie Marshall, both loyal Democrats, reacted to the Talking Points Memo. "We've been an entitlement state for a long time," Powers said, "and the question is whether you think that's a good thing, whether you think the government should be providing these services. Most of the people who are getting it are quite desperate. One thing I really disagree with you on is that Obama has anything to do with it." Marshall concurred with that last point, saying, "This is not the fault of the President and this is not something that happened overnight or even in the past three or four years." The Factor posed this rhetorical question: "When you have a third of the population receiving some kind of government assistance, do you think that makes a strong country. You guys are basically painting a picture of one-third of the country being destitute and having to be rescued by the federal government."
36% of households headed by immigrants receive welfare
Guests: Lou Dobbs

New stats indicate that more than one-third of immigrant households receive some form of welfare. The Factor asked Fox Business host Lou Dobbs to analyze. "This is a big game being played," Dobbs groused. "We have 15-million people in the country that we didn't invite and most of them don't have high school educations. We know these are people who will be dependent on welfare for many years to come. We also have a failing education system and this administration has not been able to create the same level of jobs as four years ago. Obama is not just the 'food stamp president,' he is the 'Social Security Disability president as well." The Factor reported on a new Fox News poll and how it relates to federal largess. "49% of registered voters are for Obama, 40% for Romney, a 9-point gap! Included in that 49% has to be almost everybody getting welfare payments."
Jerry Sandusky's appeal lawyer enters the No Spin Zone
Guests: Karl Rominger

In a cable news exclusive, The Factor welcomed attorney Karl Rominger, who will argue Jerry Sandusky's appeal. "We weren't able to present everything we wanted to," Rominger claimed, "and we weren't given enough time to prepare. We were given most of the documents within days of the trial. Also, we believe we could have presented a psychologist who would have been able to explain certain aspects of the case, but couldn't because Pennsylvania law doesn't allow that, but will allow it in a few days. I'm sworn to zealous advocacy, so I can't second guess a person's guilt or innocence." The Factor declared that Jerry Sandusky got exactly what he deserves, saying, "There's so much testimony against your client and it looks to me like you're trying to use technicalities to get a guilty guy off."
Would you vote for an atheist presidential candidate?
Guests: Janine Turner and Jeanine Pirro

According to a new survey, just over half of Americans would pull the lever for an atheist presidential candidate. Culture Warriors Jeanine Pirro and Janine Turner added their opinions. "I wouldn't vote for an atheist," Pirro declared, "even though I have been trained as a lawyer to recognize the separation of church and state. But because our laws or based on the Judeo-Christian ethic, I believe that someone without that religious moral core is not like me." Turner put forth a different rationale. "I would not vote for someone who is an atheist, primarily because anyone who doesn't believe in God tends to believe in big government. There's also a moral issue in the respect that the Founders believed our creator gave us our inalienable rights." The Factor reminded the Warriors that many atheists, among them Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Bill Gates, and Thomas Edison, made great contributions to humanity."
President Obama ginning up the war on women again
Guests: Laura Ingraham

The President seems to be resurrecting the Republican "war on women," warning a crowd in Colorado that Mitt Romney's policies are dangerous to females. Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham analyzed the President's strategy. "Every week there will be a new 'smash and grab,'" she said. It's smash this topic and hope to grab a few votes, then move on to the next target. Last week it was Harry Reid saying Mitt Romney never paid taxes, then they'll move on to how Romney doesn't like Latinos, then we'll move on to the accusation that Romney will try to stop you from taking birth control pills. All of these are little controversies that mean President Obama doesn't have to talk about something inconvenient. To some extent this is working and he has Romney's likeability way down, so Romney has to go out and lay out what we're facing, this is how I'm going to fix it, and this is what we must do."
News Quiz: The powerful trashing the powerful
Guests: Uma Pemmaraju and Steve Doocy

In the Great American News Quiz, Uma Pemmaraju and Steve Doocy fielded questions about disputes between powerful folks. Among the questions: "In 2008 Hillary Clinton claimed Barack Obama attacked her on which issue?" ... "What did Elton John say is his problem with Madonna?" Both contestants were off their respective games, but Doocy eked out a win to even his record with Pemmaraju at two up, two down.
Viewers sound off
John Barry, Waterford, Ireland: "Mr. O'Reilly, your incisive questioning demolished Dr. Peter Dreier. He could provide no examples of your alleged 'right-wing buffoonery.'"

Dr. Jesse Corry, Marshfield, WI: "Dreier attempted to prevaricate his buffoonery comment. This is an educator with the cognitive skills of Moe, Larry, and Curly."

Graeme Cree, Austin, TX: "Bill, here's an example of your buffoonery. You invite the guy on The Factor knowing he is incapable of making his case but subject the audience to him anyway."

Robert Hochman, Delray Beach, FL: "An example of your buffoonery, O'Reilly, is reading emails in praise of Killing Lincoln."
Respectful greetings
Thursday's Tip: Before you start a conversation with anyone, look them in the eye and say, "So how are you today?," which is respectful and establishes you as a real person in their eyes.