Monday, June 23, 2008
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
A pocketbook election: Gas prices and the economy
"With stunning speed, the presidential election has shifted from Iraq and health care to high gas prices and the economy. So who will benefit from this? It's hard to see how Senator Obama can exploit the issue since he and his party oppose expanding nearly all traditional energy production. Alternative energy theories are fine, but folks need relief now. But remember, Senator McCain doesn't want to drill in ANWR either. Talking Points believes the USA definitely needs to drill in ANWR and offshore with strict EPA oversight. Drilling is needed, but it's not the long term solution. So for our national security and the environment, we need to use as much fuel cell, bio fuel and nuclear power as we can. But again, it's up to the feds to mandate the direction. Barack Obama has the same problem all Democratic lawmakers have - his resume is anti-drilling and anti-nuke, and those things are the only short-term solutions to rising prices. So a fascinating election just got more fascinating. Every time we fill up, votes are on the line."

For a different perspective on the issue, The Factor welcomed two Democratic strategists. First, Jane Fleming-Kleeb disagreed with the notion that her party doesn't want to explore for oil. "Republicans are using this as a gimmick," Fleming-Kleeb asserted. It's not that we don't want to drill, but we want the oil companies to drill on the 68-million acres that are under their control right now." Bob Beckel urged his party's standard bearer to take two steps: "Barack Obama should come out strongly for nuclear power, and we should get Iraq to give us a 100-year lease to let us explore. Whoever comes up with an idea that will lower prices sooner rather than later has the political advantage." The Factor reminded Beckel that Democrats have been reluctant to embrace nuclear. "Obama says nuclear power is 'worth exploring.' If he doesn't know that France and Sweden get most of their power by nuclear and he only now wants to 'explore' it, the American people aren't going to buy it."

News Link: McCain touts plans to fuel US energy needs
Impact Segment
America's dependence on fossil fuel
The Factor welcomed Fox Business Network correspondent Eric Bolling, who disputed the conventional wisdom that any new oil discoveries may take a decade to exploit. "We should drill off the continental coast," Bolling declared. "We have up to 18-billion barrels of oil off our coastline. I got on the phone with drilling companies and they tell me they could get oil out of the Gulf of Mexico within a year, and if you go farther out to sea it might take three years. We have one candidate who says don't drill at all, just tax the oil companies, and we have another candidate who says drill a little bit."

News Link: Offshore oil drilling looms as election issue
Personal Story Segment
College students flock to Obama
Barack Obama has a huge advantage among college students, and The Factor invited two of Obama's young supporters to discuss their priorities. "Health care is the most important issue," Angela Wood said. "We have 47-million Americans without health insurance, and Barack Obama wants to make sure that all 9-million children who do not have health insurance get it. Those who have benefitted from the American dream should help those who have not been as fortunate." Meanwhile, David Simons said his support for Obama is based on the economy: "This is a pocketbook election. Wages are not keeping pace with inflation, and I want the government to reform the tax policy. We should kill the Bush tax cuts for people who make over $250,000 a year." The Factor suggested to Wood that she is leaning toward the European socialist model. "You believe Americans, by their birthright, should have health care, and the government should provide a decent dwelling to people. You're basically saying that if you can't provide for yourself, the government will."
Body Language Segment
Billy Ray Cyrus, Naomi Campbell
Body language ace Tonya Reiman turned her trained eye on John McCain, who cracked wise on the Jimmy Kimmel program. "He actually looked very good," Reiman said. "He had sarcasm and he lifted his head just a little before he joked about his age." Reiman then watched Billy Ray Cyrus defend himself against accusations that he botched the situation when his daughter Miley posed for risqu? photos. "There were six shoulder shrugs in this clip, which is his way of saying it's too late, don't blame me, what can I do about it now?" Finally, Reiman viewed an interview with model Naomi Campbell, who explained her tirade on an airplane. "She just didn't want to talk about it. She wants people to love her, so she gave that demure and coy look."

News Link: Naomi Campbell plays the race card

News Link: Billy Ray Cyrus explains Vanity Fair shoot
Unresolved Problems Segment
Racial politics and the presidency
Barack Obama has injected race into the campaign, predicting that Republicans will try to stir racial fears. FNC's Juan Williams criticized Obama's tactics. "He had tried to avoid having himself identified as the 'black candidate,'" Williams said. "But now he's saying the Republicans are going to use race against me, and I think it's a mistake on his part. He's telling people he's a victim, and it's making him out to look weak." Conservative columnist Tara Wall shared Williams' assessment and disappointment. "This is a strategy to combat fear by inciting fear, and it's disingenuous. One would not expect this from Barack Obama because he was talking about healing racial wounds. You don't heal racial wounds by pouring hateful salt into those wounds."

News Link: Obama: GOP will use race to stoke fear
Back of Book Segment
Reality Check: Pfleger strikes again!
When radical Chicago priest Michael Pfleger introduced Rev. Jeremiah Wright at an event in Chicago, he described Wright as "my hero, my friend and my pastor ... and, Mr. O'Reilly, he was a Marine." The Factor offered this reality check: "We do respect the reverend's service, but we do not respect Wright lying about his country. Thousands, perhaps millions of lives were saved by President Truman ordering the use of atomic bombs. You may remember Reverend Wright damning America because of those bombs and other perceived atrocities." The Factor also re-aired a 2001 interview with the late comic George Carlin, who rationalized his reliance on profanity: "It's a form of spice in my stew. I use it for the same reason people use these words on the street - they are intensifiers of language, and they have power." Finally, The Factor put forth this reality check: "The two biggest media enemies Fox News has right now are NBC News and Newsweek, and the two are tied together. Newsweek is supplying its far-left columnists to NBC to attack anyone who doesn't see it their way. The irony is that business is bad at both Newsweek and MSNBC. Reality Check doesn't wish anyone ill, but you guys at Newsweek may want to start checking out the job market."
Pinheads and Patriots
World's ugliest dog & Al Gore
Monday's Patriot: Gus, who was picked as the "world's ugliest dog." The Factor named the hideous hound a patriot simply because "I want him to feel better." And the Pinhead: Al Gore, who is using more energy than ever before at his Nashville mansion, and has reportedly earned about $100 million via his global warming crusade. Nominate a Pinhead or a Patriot by sending an email to

News Link: 'Gus' named 'World's Ugliest Dog'

News Link: Gore mansion uses more energy after going 'green'
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
A sampling of your weekend e-mails:

Alex Boosalis, Edina, MN: "Bill, you sold us out. I can't believe you gave Al Sharpton air time to defend himself against the IRS investigation."

Claudia Wolfkind, Murrieta, CA: "I was appalled that the San Diego police department declined to investigate the baby slapping on the internet. I just blasted them an email."

Shajuk Najib, Birmingham, England: "I can't believe a school banned the 'Pledge of Allegiance' because it might offend Muslims. I'm Muslim and we support one nation under God."

Steve Schroeder, South Boston, VA: "I've been a subscriber to Newsweek since 1970. But I cancelled because of their left-wing bias."