Thursday, October 30, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Vicious Racial Politics
Guest:Tavis Smiley
"In North Carolina, the Senate race between the Democrat incumbent Kay Hagan and Republican Thom Tillis is very close. And very dirty. A group organized by Senator Harry Reid is running a radio ad that ties Tillis to the death of Trayvon Martin. And in Georgia, Democrats are circulating a flier warning that if Republicans win, there will be more Fergusons. The flier shows two black children holding signs that say 'Don't Shoot.' So it seems that the race card is being played by the Democrats in order to stimulate the African-American vote. There are a number of things wrong with this. First, it's morally wrong. You don't take highly charged incidents out of context for any reason. Second, the Democrats who are doing these things are obviously trying to distill hatred and division. Then there's the bigger question: why do African-Americans believe only one party is looking out for them? In 2012, President Obama received 93% of the black vote. However, in six years black unemployment has dropped less than two percentage points and is nearly six points more than white Americans. Black median income is basically flat under Barack Obama and socially we remain a divided country. Much of the race debate centers on historical atrocities against blacks. That's what the white privilege deal is all about. Liberals say black Americans do not have a fair shot because of how they were treated for hundreds of years. There is some truth to that, but to use a blanket of white privilege to cover failure and criminal behavior is destructive to African-Americans. The truth is, if you work hard, if you get educated, and if you are an honest person, this country offers black people more opportunity than any other country on Earth. When was the last time you heard Al Sharpton say that? Racial politics are abhorrent and black Americans should rebel against them."

The Factor surveyed the racial landscape with black TV host Tavis Smiley. "Democrats continue to take the black vote for granted," Smiley said, "while Republicans continue to ignore that vote. The reality is that neither party is truly interested in the economic opportunity and social mobility of African American voters." Smiley conceded that black Americans have not fared well under President Obama. "The data will indicate that African Americans have lost ground in every single leading economic category. But white privilege still exists today, and if you have less melanin in your skin the chances are that you'll do better." The Factor contended that black Americans are suffering largely because of one reason, saying, "The disintegration of the African American family is holding black Americans back."
White House Insider
Verbal Attack on Netanyahu
Guest:Ed Henry
An anonymous White House official has reportedly called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "chickens***." Fox News correspondent Ed Henry elaborated on the diplomatic dustup. "Secretary of State John Kerry said today that this was very counterproductive," he reported, "and that it's certainly not how they feel about Prime Minister Netanyahu. But the administration doesn't seem to want to correct this, they haven't offered any sort of apology. Not only did they call him a 'chicken-bleep,' but they also said he's a 'coward,' which suggests that there is a lot of tension. They don't like that Netanyahu doesn't give in on settlements and other key issues to try to move the peace process forward."
Factor Followup
Public Safety Threat?
Guest:Lawrence Gostin
Kaci Hickox, a nurse who returned from Africa after treating Ebola patients, is defying authorities in Maine who want her under quarantine. The Factor welcomed law professor Lawrence Gostin, who has been advising Hickox. "She's being asked to give up three weeks of her life," Gostin said, "and if I thought she was a danger to the public I would want her quarantined. But the CDC doesn't feel she is dangerous and should be quarantined, she doesn't fit in their risk assessment guidelines." Nevertheless, The Factor argued that Hickox is taking an unnecessary and foolish risk: "This is not in the spirit of commonality and community. She may have the disease, this is a selfish woman, and she should get her butt inside."
Campaign 2014
Upcoming Midterm Elections
Guests:Kate Obenshain & James Carville
Republican Kate Obenshain and Democrat James Carville looked to Tuesday's midterm elections. Obenshain predicted a GOP victory in Colorado, where the liberal electorate voted last year to legalize marijuana. "All parents of teenagers who are not stoned will be voting for the Republicans," she stated. "These are the folks who are seeing kids using edible marijuana on the playgrounds. They're dealing with the real consequences and they understand what it means for Colorado." But Carville downplayed the cultural significance of the Colorado vote and a possible Republican victory. "The pot referendum was passed by the voters and, according to the polling, it would pass again today. So I don't see this as being some political earthquake in the making. This is just an election in what should be a very good Republican year."
Ingraham Angle
Media Assessment
Guest:Laura Ingraham
Former CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has written a scathing book about her former network, claiming liberal bias and pro-Obama sentiment affect everyday news decisions. The Factor was joined by conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, whose program Attkisson was told to avoid. "Sharyl and I worked together at CBS," Ingraham said, "and she was very welcoming and a great person. I always admired her work and would have her on my show occasionally to talk about things she was working on. When she blew open the 'Fast and Furious' story it was classic investigative reporting of what could be a massive case of failure in our Justice Department. I had her on once but then she stopped coming on for a long time."
What the Heck Just Happened Segment
Tasteless Halloween Costume
Guests:Greg Gutfeld & Bernard McGuirk
Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk, frightening under any circumstances, took aim at the folks who are dressing for Halloween as NFL player Ray Rice and his battered wife. "It's offensive and objectionable," Gutfeld began, "but the point of it is to be appalling. Haven't we all dressed in something offensive - last year I went as you, Bill O'Reilly! And I usually go as a nudist." McGuirk contended that costumes are reflective of our culture. "I don't know how we got from pumpkin-picking and trick-or-treating to dragging a battered woman on the floor. But there's precedent for this - people used to dress as O.J. and Nicole and as Princess Diana with a steering wheel coming out of her neck. I went to a party last week as Anthony Weiner with an iPhone, but it didn't go over too well because it was at a Chuck E. Cheese and the parents weren't happy."
Tip Of The Day
Finding Common Ground
Even if you disagree with someone on just about everything under the sun, it is honorable to recognize those rare occasions when you concur on something.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Jean Frost, Chicago, IL: "Bill, you discount everything President Obama has done or failed to do since taking office. He should be impeached for what he has done."

Ernie Jameson, Brook Park, OH: "Maybe if nurse Hickox were to be held financially accountable for anyone who gets Ebola because of her irresponsibility, she would change her tune."

Kerry Stevenson, Maple Lake, MN: "Hey, Bill, you wonder why so many Minnesotans vote for Al Franken. Did you know the state bird is the loon?"