Wednesday, November 19, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Obama's immigration executive order
Guest: Greg Abbott
"The president is set to speak to the nation Thursday night. It is widely expected that he will legalize about 5-million undocumented people, many of whom have children who are American citizens. There will also be other immigration orders in his executive action. This is extremely controversial and a new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll out today breaks it down this way: 48% of those surveyed disapprove of the president taking executive action on immigration, while 38% approve. The issue is not really about undocumented human beings, it's about President Obama challenging the Constitution. He should wait and give the new Congress a chance to pass a fair immigration law. If it does not, Mr. Obama's legal position would be stronger if he takes unilateral action. But the way things stand now, surely the president will lose in the courts. I believe Mr. Obama knows that and well understands how divisive his actions will be. But he doesn't seem to care and history will not look kindly on a sitting president causing a constitutional ruckus. Trust me on that."

The Factor welcomed Texas Governor-elect Greg Abbott, who will challenge President Obama's action when he takes office. "We are prepared to take legal action," Abbott confirmed, "because we believe what he is doing is completely unconstitutional. Immigration is assigned by the Constitution to the Congress to determine. We have seen in Texas the consequences of the president's immigration policy and we will be reaching out to other states." Abbott turned to the moral issues surrounding amnesty for parents of young children. "The president doesn't have the legal authority to grant these parents any rights whatsoever, so this is nothing more than a hoax. The bigger inhumanity is that after the president did this last time, we saw all those children come to the border. Many of them never made it because they were killed along the way. The United States will be accomplices to the inhumane way people will be treated."
Talking Points Memo & Impact Segment
Preparing for protests in Ferguson
Guest: Benjamin Crump
The Factor began this segment with a second Talking Points Memo: "Authorities in Missouri are bracing for racial protests when the grand jury hands up its decision about whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. In the media and political world, some liberal people continue to convict Officer Wilson. Civil rights icon and Congressman John Lewis is comparing the case to Selma, Alabama, while lamenting police shooting young black men all over the country. Congressman, let the system function - if the fix is in and you can prove it, I'll be right there with you. But no one knows exactly what happened, so let's see what the grand jury says."

Benjamin Crump, the lawyer for Michael Brown's family, gave his analysis of the situation. "We should be hearing something soon," he reported, "and they will inform the family before they inform the public." Crump also tried to explain why so many people are demanding an indictment. "They want to make sure there is a trial by jury and due process for Michael Brown, as well as for the police officer. If there are no charges brought, the family won't even get to have their day in court where everybody gets to see the evidence and hear the witnesses. There has always been enough evidence to have probable cause to charge the police officer."
Impact Segment
Tense racial times in Missouri
Guests: Monica Crowley & Jessica Ehrlich
Many black Americans, as they survey the Ferguson situation, continue to believe the system is biased against them. The Factor discussed that with conservative Monica Crowley and liberal Jessica Ehrlich. "The left often appropriates a specific event," Crowley theorized, "to try to serve some larger 'social justice' agenda. The bigger question is why blacks are pulled over more and scrutinized more. It's because blacks and minorities commit a disproportionate number of crimes in this country." But Ehrlich contended that black suspicion of the system is warranted. "This problem is recognized across the country and I'm angry that we're still having this conversation. This is about the segregation and discrimination that still exists."
Truth Serum
Obamacare edition
Guests: Molly Line & Eric Shawn
FNC anchors Molly Line and Eric Shawn entered the No Spin Zone to administer a dose of truth serum. Line examined Nancy Pelosi's promise that Americans would grow to love the Affordable Care Act. "The majority of people do not like ObamaCare," she reported, "at least right now. The major factors are the high cost and high deductibles." Shawn scrutinized Harry Reid's claim that millions of previously-uninsured Americans now have coverage. "I went on the ObamaCare website today," he said, "and it says 15-million Americans who weren't covered before now have insurance. The actual number is 7.1 million and they assume it will be 9-million by next year, but there are still 41-million Americans without insurance." The Factor added, "The reason most people don't like ObamaCare is that their deductibles are going up by an average of 47%, and that's not the way it was sold."
Miller Time Segment
Charles Manson to Marry
Guest: Dennis Miller
Dennis Miller opined on California's decision to allow 80-year-old Charles Manson to marry his 26-year-old sweetheart. "He didn't invite me," Miller observed, "which shows how crazy he really is. They're registered at the Thorazine Depot and I got him a 'second personality cozy' to keep the other voice in his head warm at night. I think when this chick asked him about the scar on his forehead, he said, 'That's not a swastika, it's a plus sign doing cartwheels!' And I also know that if you're coming on so strong that Charles Manson thinks you're stalking him, you've got to back off the accelerator a bit." The Factor pointed out that Manson won't be able to totally fulfill his marital duties because "there are no conjugal visits for mass murderers."
Back of the Book
Dick Cavett joins The Factor
Guest: Dick Cavett
The Factor welcomed writer and former talk show host Dick Cavett, author of a new autobiography. Cavett heaped praise on Bob Hope, but tempered it with a dose of reality. "This was a man who went to the top in vaudeville," Cavett said, "then went to the top in theater, in television, and in movies. But he stayed too long - he loved fame to the exclusion of everything in his life." Cavett also lamented that Johnny Carson, for whom he wrote, was beset with personal issues. "He was one of the most tortured and tense people, like a wire that was about to snap. But he did enjoy going out on stage, where he was happy and in command for one hour."
Tip Of The Day
Buying Stuff Online
A couple of tips for purchasing things on the Internet. First, buy clothing one size too large because companies have been cutting back on material. Also, don't buy autographs on the web unless it is from a very reputable dealer. That area is laden with fraud.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Christopher Burgart, San Francisco, CA: "If we really are to believe that legalized, undocumented people will receive no benefits, as Congressman Gutierrez said, then maybe we are as stupid as Jonathan Gruber says we are."

Richard, California: "My wife works in the state welfare office, and illegal aliens are already getting full Medi-Cal benefits."

David Wolf, Carmichael, CA: "Bill, I'm having trouble figuring out why you are convinced the Supreme Court will rule against ObamaCare because of the state exchanges. After all, the Court turned itself inside out justifying the law."