Wednesday, September 2, 2015
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
The Iranian Nuke Deal Will Become a Reality
"As we have predicted, President Obama will have enough votes in the Senate to override a congressional veto of the nuke deal he wants to make with Iran. Although some Democratic senators oppose it, at least 34 will follow the president and that's all he needs. Secretary of State John Kerry said, 'The arrangement that we worked out with Tehran is based exclusively on verification and proof.' Mr. Kerry is misleading us a bit. Yes, the International Atomic Energy Agency has the right to visit suspicious sites, but the Iranians have 24 days to allow such a visit, more than enough time to get rid of incriminating evidence or pollute the site. The real bottom line is the deal helps Iran and does not help the USA or our allies. Everybody knows Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and is destabilizing the Middle East. It will now have more money, weapons and power to continue doing that. So what does America get? What does Great Britain get? What does France get? The answer is no war, at least in the short term. The Western powers do not want another war in the wake of Iraq and Afghanistan, but no sane person thinks this Iranian nuke deal benefits the West. It simply does not."

The Factor invited reaction from former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz, who have co-authored a new book about America's role in the world. "John Kerry has made other promises that were not carried through," Dick Cheney said. "The standard was 'anytime, anywhere' inspections, but now they have 24 days to delay the actual onset of inspections. This agreement will precipitate a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, other countries will seek nuclear weapons to protect themselves. President Obama is weak and he conveyed that sense of weakness, he gave the Iranians everything they wanted. " Liz Cheney accused the Obama administration of intentionally weakening America. "They were desperate for a deal, partly for the president's legacy, but the problem is that the deal makes war more likely. President Obama clearly believes America has been a force for ill in the world and his efforts have been to diminish us." The Factor suggested that the Iran deal is a direct result of the Bush administration's wars: "The left is so angry about Iraq and Afghanistan and they are overreacting, saying we won't fight ever again. We can't even go after ISIS!"
Impact Segment
Taking a Look at the 2016 Field
Returning for another segment, Dick and Liz Cheney turned to politics and Hillary Clinton's candidacy. "One of the most important things for people to remember," Liz Cheney said, "is that many of the national security disasters we are seeing around the world began on Hillary Clinton's watch as secretary of state. She bears tremendous responsibility." Dick Cheney turned his focus to the fractious Republican field. "If you go back and look at past elections, we have often had different wings of the party and remarkable battles. The key for us is to be able to put the party together when we get to the convention. If we don't, you wind up with Republicans staying home rather than going to the polls. We have 17 candidates and some of them are pretty good!"
Unresolved Problems
Unemployment in America
According to the federal government, many unemployed Americans are not actively looking for work. The Factor asked Democrat Jessica Ehrlich and Republican Andrea Tantaros to opine. "Of the unemployed people who are looking for work," Tantaros said, "they are only spending two hours a day. This administration has made it so easy to obtain benefits and a lot of people are abusing it." Ehrlich theorized that there is a mismatch between educated Americans and available jobs. "My mother has a master's degree from the London School of Economics and various other degrees. She's not going to be waiting tables at the age of 64, she's in a situation she didn't expect to find herself in." But The Factor argued that everyone should take any job they can find: "Every restaurant I go to there is a sign saying 'help needed,' so you can get a job. Some people just don't want a job!"
Truth Serum
Illegal Immigration & Welfare
According to a new survey, a preponderance of households headed by an immigrant are on welfare. The Factor asked FNC's Shannon Bream to administer some truth serum. "According to this study," she reported, "more than half of all households headed by an immigrant who came here legally or illegally access at least one of the major welfare programs. That compares to about 30% of households headed by native-born Americans. A lot of people who come here are lower-skilled and have lower education." Fox News anchor Eric Shawn turned to a mass arrest of criminal illegal aliens in California. "These were 244 immigrants who had been convicted of murder, child abuse, drugs, and child sex abuse. 80% of them were from Mexico, and ICE says this was the most successful operation of its kind."
Personal Story
Immigration Debate
The Factor welcomed Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who recently got into a heated debate with Donald Trump about illegal immigration. Ramos laid out his opposition to a border wall. "It's a completely absurd idea," he declared. "Why would you build a 1,900 mile wall if 40% of all the immigrants come by plane and many overstay their visas? A wall would cost about $20-billion, and why do you want a border wall with Mexico and not Canada?" Ramos also expressed his vehement opposition to Kate's Law. "I am not here to defend criminals, but what you are proposing would put a mother or a father in jail. We have to focus on enforcement and we have to resolve the situation of 11-million people in this country who are not criminals." The Factor urged Ramos to stop portraying himself as an unbiased journalist: "How can you possibly cover illegal immigration fairly when you are an activist? You should recuse yourself or become a commentator like me. You're not a newsman, you're an activist!"
Back of the Book
Powerful Reaction
The Factor asked Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, a longtime follower of the immigration debate, to opine on the interview with Jorge Ramos. "I've known Ramos for more than a decade," Dobbs said, "and he is not only an activist, he is also a propagandist. He is a citizen of the United States and a citizen of Mexico, he comes to this with a divided perspective. Jorge does not want any penalty on anyone, including felons, for crossing the border. We should hold Mexico responsible for their actions and I think a wall would work."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Frank Diaz, Miami Lakes, FL: "I find it ridiculous that sanctuary cities are designed to protect illegal aliens but not protect people like Kate Steinle."

John Lanzetta, Miami, FL: "Perhaps we can push Congress to pass Kate's Law by organizing a movement that says 'innocent lives matter.'"
Tip of the Day
Credit Where it is Due
Last year 'Killing Kennedy' was nominated for an Emmy Award as best TV movie, and this year 'Killing Jesus' is up for the same award. Mostly-liberal Hollywood deserves credit for putting quality ahead of ideology.