Thursday, February 4, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The Brawl in New Hampshire
"Because of The Factor's reporting on the Ben Carson/Ted Cruz Iowa situation, a major controversy has broken out in New Hampshire. Dr. Carson says the Cruz campaign, aided by a false report on CNN, dishonestly swayed Iowa voters. Donald Trump has now taken up that cause, bashing Cruz, who has apologized but says he did not know anything about the false report as it was unfolding. It's a mess and the issue is being widely discussed in New Hampshire. A new daily tracking poll from WHDH and the University of Massachusetts has Donald Trump in the lead in New Hampshire with 36%. Marco Rubio is at 15%, and Ted Cruz is at 14%. But anything could happen in New Hampshire as Trump zeros in on Cruz, saying, 'I think what Cruz did is disgusting.' Cruz hit back, saying, 'We need a commander-in-chief, not a Twitterer in chief.' The beneficiary of the Trump-Cruz brouhaha may be Marco Rubio, who is trying to float above the controversy. The next five days will be very intense because whoever wins New Hampshire will obviously have momentum going into South Carolina, Nevada, and then Super Tuesday. Talking Points believes that the Carson/Cruz situation will disappear unless a criminal investigation is mounted. The mainstream media does not seem very interested in this, and so it will vanish, unless new headlines occur."

For the very latest from New Hampshire, The Factor turned to two veteran political reporters. "The stakes are incredibly high for Marco Rubio," Annie Linskey of the Boston Globe theorized. "He really needs to finish with a strong second and he is now neck-and-neck with Cruz. Over the next five days, which is a long time in New Hampshire, voters will decide." Dan Tuohy of the New Hampshire Union Leader tried to explain Bernie Goldberg's appeal on the Democratic side. "This is the primary and this is the base of the party. A lot of Democrats are torn between their hearts and their heads, they don't know which way to go in this two-person race. New Hampshire voters are an independent bunch." Linskey added, "Bernie Sanders has authenticity that New Hampshire voters are swooning over, they'll even take higher taxes to not have slickness."
Impact Segment
Hillary's Ties to Wall Street
Hillary Clinton was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by Wall Street banks such as Goldman Sachs. She has excused the massive fees by saying 'that's what they offered.' Former Obama advisor Austan Goolsbee opined on the enduring controversy. "You would have thought that she would have a better answer," Goolsbee admitted, "but all former secretaries of state and cabinet secretaries have done the same thing. Republicans have received more than ten times as much money from Wall Street than Hillary Clinton, and Republicans are trying to get her to unilaterally disarm." The Factor contended that Hillary Clinton's big paydays exude shadiness: "She got paid $675,000 for three speeches at Goldman Sachs and it's not because she's a great speech maker. They were trying to buy influence with her."
Truth Serum
Cutting Off Funding To Sanctuary Cities?
FNC's Eric Shawn zeroed in on Congressman John Culberson and his crusade against sanctuary cities. The Texas Republican says Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be breaking the law if she does not withhold funding from sanctuary cities. "This guy is on fire over this issue," Shawn reported. "He's the head of a subcommittee that oversees funding for the Justice Department, so basically he could turn off the lights. He says that it is very simple - if a city gets federal funding it has to follow the law. And he says he has the power of the purse and could cut off funding to the Justice Department." Shannon Bream turned to a new report that claims Mexican drug cartels are suffering because Colorado legalized marijuana. "If you trace this whole story back it started with 'The Weed Blog,' which is 100% pro-marijuana. They talked to a Mexican farmer who says his profits are down."
Personal Story
Super Bowl Preview with Joe Namath
Joe Namath, who engineered the stunning New York Jets Super Bowl victory 47 years ago, joined The Factor and spoke about the sport's inherent dangers. "I had five concussions," Namath revealed, "and I had a lot of cells that were not working in my brain before I received treatment. All that was worth it to me, but there were fellas that I played with and I'm not sure it was worth it to them." Namath also tackled the subject of race in pro football. "There has always been racism but we've come a long way. People who judge people based on their color or ethnicity have that ingrained by their parents at home."
Weekdays with Bernie
Bernie on the CNN/Iowa Controversy
As The Factor has reported, CNN aired an erroneous report Monday night, repeating a false claim that Dr. Ben Carson was heading home and giving up on New Hampshire. Bernie Goldberg scrutinized the report and its repercussions. "This started out with a mistake that CNN made," Goldberg began, "and we all make mistakes. But now CNN is doing what so many journalists and politicians do - they are circling the wagons and stonewalling so they don't have to admit that they made a mistake. Somebody should have told CNN's Dana Bash that Ben Carson was planning to stay in the race, and this mistake may have cost Donald Trump the Iowa election." The Factor concluded, "When a major news organization won't correct its errors we have a decline in journalism."
Watters' World
Feeling the Bern in Oregon
Why are so many young Americans smitten by Bernie Sanders and his socialist doctrine? Jesse Watters visited the University of Oregon and elicited these responses from some of Bernie's acolytes: "He's a great Congressman" ... "He seems to have a lot of integrity" ... "I really like his redistribution of wealth policy" ... "I definitely like the free education thing" ... "He provides the most opportunities for under-represented people, especially queer people." One young woman essentially summed up the utopian vision, saying, "The best way to defeat ISIS is simply to have a conversation with them."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Ryan Prigge, Rochester, MN: "O'Reilly, you are showing your obvious preference for Trump by blasting Cruz's campaign. Where was this outrage when Trump was calling Cruz a Canadian?"

Simon Moss, Alberta, Canada: "I have noticed that some are saying being Canadian is a bad thing. How can that be? By the way, I have become a premium member in order to get Killing Reagan."

Jamie Coleman, Lebanon, PA: "Bill, I have been following the Carson-Cruz story, and I appreciate your Talking Points. Cruz showed what he stands for."

Carol Guanrieri, Fort Worth, TX: "O'Reilly, are you sure you're not a Democrat in disguise? You are pitting Republicans against each other."
Tip of the Day
Reader Beware!
As always, be exceptionally careful what you digest from the Internet, and walk away from sites that spew hatred.