Thursday, February 18, 2016

Eric Bolling Hosts
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Top Story
The Pope and Trump Clash
Eric began with the dustup that was ignited when Pope Francis seemed to criticize Donald Trump's immigration policies. Trump, as is his wont, fired back and said the pontiff was 'disgraceful' for questioning his faith. "The pope is right in that much of what Donald Trump says about immigration is un-Christian," Fox News contributor Father Jonathan Morris stated. "He is saying that only talking about building walls and not talking about building bridges is un-Christian. But I also think the pope should clarify and apologize for suggesting that if Trump said these things he is not Christian. That was wrong." Conservative talk radio host Sandy Rios contended that Pope Francis was way out of line. "I think the pope is wrong, he is preaching the doctrines of men and not the doctrines of God. The Bible teaches quite clearly that if you don't first take care of your own, you are worse than an infidel. We are required to help the poor, but that is an individual mandate."
Campaign 2016
Trump vs. Cruz Ramping Up
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz continue their verbal brawl, exchanging accusations and epithets. Eric asked Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson and Cruz aide Rick Tyler about a Cruz ad that portrays Trump as a proponent of abortion. "Voters know Mr. Trump," Pierson insisted, "and they know that Senator Cruz is running an ad with comments from 17 years ago. Donald Trump has been out on the stump talking about his evolution over his lifetime. I don't think this is affecting him at all, but it is very dishonest." But Tyler doubled down and again implied that Donald Trump, when it comes to abortion, is far out of the GOP mainstream. "Donald Trump said at the last debate that Planned Parenthood does some wonderful things, and no one who is pro-life would ever say that. He has also consistently given money to pro-abortion candidates, so there is a preponderance of evidence that Donald Trump's views are not pro-life. He's a bully and when you stand up to him he backs down."
Impact Segment
Cruz Blasts Rubio on Immigration
In addition to doing battle with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz has also created a new ad that likens Marco Rubio's immigration stance to that of President Obama. 'The Five' co-host and former Bush spokesperson Dana Perino analyzed the ad and its message. "I think for some voters in South Carolina this may be effective," she said, "but the immigration issue ranks about fifth as the most important issue for voters. The number one issue is keeping terrorist attacks from happening. And this portrayal of Rubio being just like Obama was not effective in Iowa and I don't think this will be persuasive in South Carolina." Eric reported the results of a brand new Fox News poll of South Carolina voters: "The poll shows that Cruz is down a little bit and Rubio is picking up a few percentage points, which bodes well for Marco."
Personal Story
Is Trump a Done Deal for GOP?
Some pundits have essentially ceded the Republican nomination to Donald Trump, claiming he simply can not be stopped. Eric examined that hypothesis with political strategists Boris Epshteyn and Charmaine Yoest. "Trump is up by about 17 points," Epshteyn marveled, "and right now he's a runaway train. It will be very hard for anyone to catch up, it's an unstoppable machine. He will win South Carolina, he will win Nevada, and if he does not win the nomination it will be a fall of unprecedented proportions." Yoest wasn't quite so willing to coronate Donald Trump. "He is still not breaking 40% and we will know so much more after Super Tuesday on March 1st. Donald Trump has been going along as a political novice, but he'll have to fight in different states. There is still so much time to go and things will look much different when there are fewer candidates."
Unresolved Problems
Hillary's Lead Vanishing?
Guest: Ed Henry
Not long ago, Hillary was considered the presumptive Democratic nominee. But we keep seeing more and more polls showing Bernie Sanders closing the gap. Is her campaign in trouble? Our own Ed Henry has a special report.
Factor Followup
Apple vs. The Feds
As reported previously, the FBI wants Apple to unlock the contents of an iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino terrorists, but the company has thus far refused. Eric welcomed Fox News strategic analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who lambasted Apple and its CEO Tim Cook. "I think Apple should obey the law," he declared. "Apple takes advantage of our laws on copyright infringement and they use our tax codes to park profits offshore. But when a federal magistrate issues a court order for Apple to unlock one cell phone that had been used by a terrorist, Apple says, 'oh no, we're too pure and noble.' Apple should worry a lot more about the dangers posed by putting unbreakable encryption capabilities in the hands of terrorists and criminals and child molesters. Tim Cook is grandstanding, he is telling thugs and criminals and rapists around the world, 'Hey, buy an iPhone, Apple's got your back!'" But Eric countered, "I bought an iPhone and one reason was because it has the strongest security."
Back of the Book
Obama's Questionable Priorities
President Obama has decided to skip the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, but he will soon become the first sitting U.S. president to visit Cuba in nearly a century. Eric analyzed the president's priorities with Republican Adam Goodman and Democrat Scott Levenson. "The president's choice makes it very clear where he stands," Goodman said. "Justice Scalia was an intellectual icon on the court and other justices looked to him for inspiration. But the president has decided that it's not good enough to show up for his funeral but it's okay to visit a repressive regime." But Levenson defended President Obama's decisions. "To judge how other people mourn is a bit shameful. The president is showing respect - he will go Friday night when Justice Scalia is lying in repose, and he's sending the vice president to the funeral. This should not be used for partisan sniping."