O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz: Legends & Lies Episode 7 - Francis Marion
Experience in what war inspired Francis Marion's guerrilla tactics?

Take O'Reilly's History Quiz to learn more.
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1. Experience in what war inspired Francis Marion's guerrilla tactics?
2. Francis Marion's daring earned him what nickname?
3. Which early American author wrote a largely "legendary" biography of Marion as well as George Washington?
4. Marion served in what elected body in 1775?
5. Why was Marion not captured when the British took Charleston in May 1780?
6. Marion's guerilla tactics helped the American cause after what American defeat?
7. Halting the British advance from the south allowed the Americans to win what decisive battle in 1781?
8. The American Revolution officially ended with the signing of what treaty?
9. After the Revolution, Marion settled down and helped to write what?
10. What Mel Gibson film was influenced heavily by Francis Marion's guerilla tactics?

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